Chronic Stress and the Need to Get Back in Touch with Who We Are 

August 24, 2024 Paul Henny DDS

By Paul A. Henny, DDS 

Coping with Stress and Trauma 

If you hang around me long enough, the conversation will eventually turn toward the amazing work of Gabor Maté, MD. Maté is a Canadian of Hungarian decent. He is also Jewish, and barely survived the Nazi invasion of Budapest. He has spent his life studying the effects of trauma on the body, both physical and emotional, and he has authored several books. WHEN A BODY SAYS NO is a favorite of mine. 

All of Maté’s work has a common theme: how we individually cope with stress, and when it’s severe enough, trauma. He also advances the bold theory that most of our diseases and dysfunctions today are self-inflicted, even cancer and autoimmune disorders. They are self-Inflicted in the sense that our body does it to itself in its dysfunctional attempt to cope with chronic stress.  

Maté maintains that chronic stress, particularly in a young child, causes the child to dial back their sensitivity to the environment, to stop paying close attention, because it is or might be too painful. 

If you can follow this line of thought, then you will be led to better understand Mate’s theory regarding the common mental dysfunction ADHD, and even some of the milder forms of autism. Maté states that a stressed mother releases stress hormones into the placenta, and when chronically present, these can negatively influence brain development resulting in autism in some cases.* 

Note: Stress can also originate externally from toxins in the environment and food, and from working and living in toxic cultures. 

Today’s Toxic Culture and It’s Impact on Dental Practice 

Those of you who have heard me speak, have heard me say this before. We live in a very toxic culture today. We all try to cope with too much information, too many decisions, and too many stressful issues lingering in the back of our mind left unresolved. And the outcome is similar: we tend to dial back on our sensitivity to the environment. 


  • We start to think of others as being problems to be resolved instead of people. 
  • We stop sensing other people’s feelings. 
  • We stop paying attention to our gut and intuition. 
  • We start blaming instead of understanding. 
  • We start manipulating instead of listening. 

Combine all of these together, it isn’t hard to imagine the daily functioning of the average dental practice: 

  • Detached 
  • Unauthentic 
  • Reductionistic 
  • Money-centric 
  • High stress 

Hence, lots of personal dissatisfaction occurs among staff and patients. 

Getting Back to Whole-Self, Whole-Person Dentistry 

Whole-person dentistry takes into consideration the whole person physically and emotionally. It requires us to be sensitive to our patients feelings, expectations, and experiences. It also requires us to be sensitive to our own feelings, because without them, we can’t sense others and the world around us accurately.  

Without sensitivity, we work through the day like an autistic child in a bubble, and then wonder why our patients don’t listen to us or take our advice. Thus, the road to true person-centered care must first run through us. And that needs to be a life-long pursuit —the process of getting back in touch with who we truly are inside and how we feel. THAT is what L. D. Pankey was trying to tell us when he said, “Know Yourself.” 

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Paul Henny DDS

Dr. Paul Henny maintains an esthetically-focused restorative practice in Roanoke, Virginia. Additionally, he has been a national speaker in dentistry, a visiting faculty member of the Pankey Institute, and visiting lecturer at the Jefferson College or Health Sciences. Dr. Henny has been a member of the Roanoke Valley Dental Society, The Academy of General Dentistry, The American College of Oral Implantology, The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and is a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. He is Past President and co-founder of the Robert F. Barkley Dental Study Club.




Positive Psychology (Part 2) 

July 24, 2024 Paul Henny DDS

By Paul A. Henny, DDS 

How are you doing in your quest for a “positive” life? 

Martin Seligman PhD spent most of his career at the University of Pennsylvania advancing the concept known today as “Positive Psychology.” He states that Positive Psychology is “the scientific study of what makes life most worth living.” Along the way, Martin identified five core elements highly associated with psychological well-being and happiness. He believes understanding these five elements helps us to create more fulfillment, happiness, and meaning in our life. 

In Part 2 of this two-part series, we’ll pick up where I left off with the third core element in Seligman’s model. 

R – Relationships 

Relationships and social connections are essential for the creation of meaningful lives. Human beings have been social animals since the earliest of times, hence we are hard-wired to bond and depend on each other. That worked particularly well when we functioned in small social units or “tribes.” The tribal unit allowed us to easily ascertain who was friend or foe. It also allowed us to know who to pay attention to, ignore, and with whom we should invest our time and energy. 

In our modern-day world, the historical notion of tribes has largely been broken and replaced by sub-sects of people who are clustered together around common interests, agendas, and values, brought together in new and different ways. Social media now connects people from around the world in ways we never could have imagined 20 years ago. So, this has created a situation where we don’t know our neighbors, but we do know intimate details about our friends in Australia, Tampa, and Kansas City. 

Since we are less tribal in the historical sense, we have lost our ability to easily trust those who are around us, as we can no longer assume they share our values and priorities. That is WHY the relationship-based practice model is so valuable today.  

The relationship-based practice model is a vehicle of connection that can be used to co-discover our similarities as well as areas of disagreement. Alignment of values, goals, perspectives, and efforts are key to successfully advancing health. Strong interpersonal relationships are the key to the door which opens up all of those possibilities. 

M – Meaning 

Some people work to live, while others live to work, with the latter meaning that a person has been successful at merging their life purpose with their daily work. And when work becomes meaningful on a deeply personal level, it evolves into becoming much more than just a “job.” 

With the ever-expanding discovery of connections between oral health and whole health, dentistry now stands at the forefront of a huge new opportunity – the opportunity to help others to grow, develop, and maintain whole health over their entire life  

A – Accomplishments 

Living a values-driven, purposeful life, integrated with how we practice, aligns ourselves with the achievement of deeply meaningful accomplishments on a daily basis. Helping others in deeply meaningful ways, and then being rewarded with appreciation and appropriate compensation, establishes a self-sustaining cycle, and a successful model for living.  

That’s why you will commonly see relationship-based dentists practicing into their 70’s. Their sense of purpose as they continue to accomplish meaningful work is what motivates them to return to the office and continue striving to help patients, coach younger dentists, and create an-ever-happier positive environment. 

An Easy Acronym to Remember: PERMA 

A great to start your day might be to remember what each letter of PERMA stands for: 

  • Positive Emotion 
  • Engagement 
  • Relationships 
  • Meaning 
  • Accomplishments 

How will these five elements of Seligman’s model fit into your quest for a sense of wellness and happiness today? How will these fit into your quest to serve and help others? 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Paul Henny DDS

Dr. Paul Henny maintains an esthetically-focused restorative practice in Roanoke, Virginia. Additionally, he has been a national speaker in dentistry, a visiting faculty member of the Pankey Institute, and visiting lecturer at the Jefferson College or Health Sciences. Dr. Henny has been a member of the Roanoke Valley Dental Society, The Academy of General Dentistry, The American College of Oral Implantology, The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and is a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. He is Past President and co-founder of the Robert F. Barkley Dental Study Club.




Positive Psychology (Part 1) 

July 19, 2024 Paul Henny DDS

By Paul A. Henny, DDS 

Martin Seligman PhD spent most of his career at the University of Pennsylvania advancing the concept known today as “Positive Psychology.” He states that Positive Psychology is “the scientific study of what makes life most worth living.” Along the way, Martin identified five core elements highly associated with psychological well-being and happiness. He believes understanding these five elements helps us to create more fulfillment, happiness, and meaning in our life. 

One of our Pankey colleagues, Barry F. Polansky, DDS, spent a lot of time and energy studying Seligman’s work. In his last decade in practice, Polansky turned his attention to writing books to help new dentists find wellness and happiness in dentistry. Polansky’s 2017 book The Complete Dentist: Positive Leadership and Communication Skills for Success is an excellent guide to starting and running an effective and meaningful dental practice. 

In this two-part series, we’ll take a look at Seligman’s positive psychology model in relation to how we feel about our work in dentistry. 

Seligman’s Five Core Elements: 

P – Positive Emotion 

This represents a “glass-is-half-full” perspective toward life, commonly called an “abundance” perspective. This positive world view is critical because it has a heavy influence on how the brain functions. Our brain is a memory-driven cybernetic solution-seeking organ, with a primary purpose of creating and supporting a successful life. When our mind is in a positive orientation towards our environment, we are typically in a very observant and creative mode of living. In this mode, we constantly scan our environment for relevant bits of information and experiences that are potentially useful in the advancement of our desires.  

When our desires are positive and life-affirming, we are co-creating our experience: We see and experience to a large degree what we expect to see and feel. That is why having a clarified positive vision and purpose for our life and practice is essential for well-being. 

E – Engagement 

L.D. Pankey famously said, “Know Yourself.” What interests us most? What worries us most? In what circumstances are we most comfortable? Under what conditions are we most productive? What are our personal strengths? What are our habits? What are our triggers? What do we aspire to do? What about ourselves would we like to change? 

We all direct most our attention toward the things that interest us or we fear. And it is what we pay the most attention to, whether at work or elsewhere, that we develop the most while engagement with things of lesser importance wither away. It’s healthy to go into ever deeper relationship with the things we value. Clarifying what we believe we are good at and what we will enjoy is a key first step to successful practice development. 

Defining our values is essential so we know when to keep “first things first,” as Stephen Covey likes to say. 

Mac McDonald is a Visiting Faculty member at Pankey, his 2017 book Unchanging Points of Light: Finding Your Way in the Dark is an example of the positive power of values clarification. 

My discussion of Seligman’s five core elements will be continued in Part 2. 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Paul Henny DDS

Dr. Paul Henny maintains an esthetically-focused restorative practice in Roanoke, Virginia. Additionally, he has been a national speaker in dentistry, a visiting faculty member of the Pankey Institute, and visiting lecturer at the Jefferson College or Health Sciences. Dr. Henny has been a member of the Roanoke Valley Dental Society, The Academy of General Dentistry, The American College of Oral Implantology, The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and is a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. He is Past President and co-founder of the Robert F. Barkley Dental Study Club.





July 15, 2024 Bill Davis

By Bill Davis, DDS 

During the first two years of the book project, the institute was still at the DuPont Plaza Hotel in Miami. My schedule was simple. I would fly down on the red eye from Detroit Monday night after my practice time and stay at one of the apartments used by the visiting faculty next to the hotel. Dr. Pankey and I would meet for breakfast at 8 a.m. Then, we would go over to a room in the Institute to talk and I would record everything. 

At our very first meeting, I realized why everyone was taken with Dr. Pankey and his philosophy. We sat down for breakfast and started with the usual small talk. Then L.D. looked me directly in the eyes and asked, “Bill, may I ask you a couple of questions?”  

I looked back at him, and I said, “Yes, of course”.  

He then asked, “Do you tell your wife you love her every day?”. 

I was a little taken aback by the question and said, “I think I do”. 

L.D. then said, “You should.”  

From that day forward, I made it a point to tell Pam I loved her every day. If I was out of town, I would always call long distance and now I text her. That question made me realize how important Dr. Pankey felt it was for us to stay closely connected to our loved ones. I am sure that gesture has helped me during my 57 years of marriage to my best friend Pamela.

L. D.’s second question was, “Do you save regularly for your retirement?”

I told him, “Yes, I do. At the end of the year, when all my bills and taxes are paid, I send most of the remaining money to my Merrill Lynch investment account”.  

Dr. Pankey told me that was okay, but not a good way to save real money. He recommended that when I got my paychecks, one from the university and one from my private practice, I immediately sit down and write a separate check for 10% of my total net income for the week and put it in the investment account.  

Then he said, “Live on the budgeted remaining 90%.”  

I realized he was following his philosophy and wanted me to be sure I could take care of my family. Over the years, his advice has been spot-on. These first two questions were my introduction to his philosophy. 

To be continued… 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Bill Davis

William J. Davis DDS, MS is practicing dentist and a Professor at the University of Toledo in the College Of Medicine. He has been directing a hospital based General Practice Residency for past 40 years. Formal education at Marquette, Sloan Kettering Michigan, the Pankey Institute and Northwestern. In 1987 he co-authored a book with Dr. L.D. Pankey, “A Philosophy of the Practice of Dentistry”. Bill has been married to his wife, Pamela, for 50 years. They have three adult sons and four grandchildren. When not practicing dentistry he teaches flying.




Boundaries in Dental Practice (Part 2)

June 29, 2024 Paul Henny DDS

By Paul A. Henny, DDS 

In Part 1, we looked at personal boundaries in dental practice. I mentioned scarcity bias and how it is prevalent in undifferentiated dental practices but not so much in dental practices where providers and patients mutually share the values and agenda of the practice. Because scarcity bias is so human, so ingrained in us, I want to discuss two things in Part 2: healthy relationships and also how to address scarcity bias as it occurs in our differentiated dental practices. 

Insight Into Our Boundaries Leads to Healthy Relationships 

Healthy interdependent relationships are only possible through first understanding our personal boundaries (Who am I? What am I responsible for? What am I not responsible for?). That’s critical because psychologically speaking, boundaries are like fence lines with consciously regulated gates.  

The aphorism “Good fences make for good neighbors” prevails.  The same logic applies to the practice of dentistry and the nature of the relationships that we create—consciously or not, within it.  

And Now, We Circle Back to Differentiation  

Healthy interpersonal boundaries lead us toward more interpersonal authenticity, which leads us toward higher-quality communication of our values and purpose. Higher quality communication leads to a more sophisticated level of collaboration and healthy results, including healthy interdependent relationships, self-reflection, self-responsibility, improved oral and total body health, improved mental health, and a constantly growing reputation for your values. That’s differentiation. That’s personal authenticity. That’s success. 

Addressing Scarcity Bias 

Once we understand ourselves well and we communicate consistently with personal authenticity, we still have the challenge of “knee-jerk” scarcity bias in our patients. This is where patience comes in and empathy—understanding and recognizing their feelings. 

People are biased toward the here and now. The mind is naturally focused on meeting immediate needs at the expense of future ones. We procrastinate important things such as dental treatment unless we have an urgent need for it. We fail to make investments, even when the future benefits are significant or the costs of not doing so are substantial. 

When the dentist and patient participate equally in a co-discovery examination process and co-discovery consultations to discuss health history and current findings, and the patient is empowered and becomes comfortable mentioning everything on their mind, we have already begun the powerful process of leading each other through understanding what is happening in the body and what is happening in the mind (feelings and thoughts). We can start to talk about what the patient would like to achieve long term—the patient’s beyond-the-moment oral health goals. We can start to talk about what is possible to achieve together and introduce the notion that we can take steps at the speed that is mutually comfortable for us. 

Inspiration to do “the work” is often planted with just a few words that create a future desirable image in the patient’s mind. If we have the patience to let the inspiration grow, without overwhelming the patient, scarcity bias can dissipate. Often patients come back to the conversation the next time they visit us and say, “I was thinking about what we talked about, and I think I am ready to…”  

Negotiating health goals between two adults starts as an invitation to agree upon common goals. We can start early in the doctor-patient and hygienist-patient relationships by instilling the thought that preventive health care is a partnership. They can’t do it alone and you can’t do it for them. Everyone must play their part responsibly. 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Paul Henny DDS

Dr. Paul Henny maintains an esthetically-focused restorative practice in Roanoke, Virginia. Additionally, he has been a national speaker in dentistry, a visiting faculty member of the Pankey Institute, and visiting lecturer at the Jefferson College or Health Sciences. Dr. Henny has been a member of the Roanoke Valley Dental Society, The Academy of General Dentistry, The American College of Oral Implantology, The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and is a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. He is Past President and co-founder of the Robert F. Barkley Dental Study Club.




Lifelong Learning Part 1: Change & Process 

March 22, 2024 Gary DeWood, DDS

Gary M. DeWood, DDS, MS 

Learning begins from our first moment of awareness as our eyes open and we have a response to something external to us that is brand new. That experience and all the ones that follow until the moment awareness leaves us to shape our reactions to and our actions in the world. 

Experiential Learning 

The brain is a dynamic and ever-changing organ, constantly adapting to new experiences and knowledge. 

When our youngest daughter Katie was a child, I was cooking dinner one night–my turn–and Katie was sitting at the island where the stove was. I turned around to get something from the cupboard and heard a loud inhale followed by a whimper. Upon turning quickly, I saw her move her hand rapidly behind her back. No more sounds came forth, but I saw a tear and I asked her what was wrong. She said in a wavering voice, “Nothing,” and then looking at the stove burners, “Mom told me those were HOT and never to touch them.”  

I gently took her hand from behind her and saw the blisters rapidly forming on her fingers. She started crying and said to me, “Please don’t tell mom.” I’m certain she never felt the need to verify the information her mother had given her again. THAT is learning. 

All of us have experiences like that every day. Some are memorable and become part of us, embedded in a manner as yet not fully understood inside our brains for almost instant access. Some “learning” seems to fade quickly or never even get recorded. I “touched” a lot of biochemistry information over the years without burning much of anything into my brain. Maybe I should have been touching the stove at the same time. Learning is not simply having an experience of something and then being able to view the recording later.  

The Definition of Learning 

In nearly all of the definitions I have located in my research I see that CHANGE and PROCESS are prominent parts of learning. For example: 

  • A change in disposition or capability that persists over time and is not simply ascribable to processes of natural growth. 
  • Relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior due to experience. 
  • A transformative process of taking in information that, when internalized and mixed with what we’ve experienced previously, changes what we know and what we do. 

Choice & Focus 

My personal experiences have shown me that a big part of lifelong learning is what you believe about it and how you embrace it. It’s driven by some measure of choice and focus. 

Cheryl and I have sought out new ideas in dentistry wherever they took us. One of my friends in dental school, a wonderful man whom Cheryl and I still hold close, took a different path. Sometime around the 10th anniversary of our graduation we were visiting, and he told us that he had been able to get all the continuing education he needed without traveling.  

I discovered that his feelings around need and learning as it pertained to dentistry meant satisfying the requirements to stay current with licensure. He is NOT a bad dentist, but like many of the dentists I have come to know in the last 48 years, a hunger for dental learning changed once school was finished.  

A Drive for Learning 

I am reminded of one of the most original and influential thinkers on the creativity process, Robert Fritz, who believed you can create your life in the same way an artist develops a work of art. He said, “If you limit yourself only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise.” 

As a philosopher and scientist-physician, Dr. L. D. Pankey intentionally observed processes and their results (change) with the goal of becoming better at helping others. The embodiment of compassion, he was highly curious and actively sought ways to alleviate the sufferings and misfortunes of patients and colleagues. He traveled long distances to learn from others’ experiences. He inspired others to know themselves, their patients, and their work on a continuous road of mastery. As a lifelong “leisure” learner, he was interested in a wide range of subjects outside of dentistry as well. Through reflection, he often discovered he could apply this outside learning to his work. 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Gary DeWood, DDS




The B-A-G Reflection Process

February 8, 2021 Bill Gregg DDS

For years now, I have followed this simple reflective process. I hope it proves to be helpful for you in your personal and professional growth. My reflection BAG contains Blessings, Accomplishments, and Goals. 


List all the blessings you are grateful for; family, friends, satisfying work, freedom to worship, health, warm home, living in America, etc. Give thanks for the blessings of life. Gratitude is essential to the journey, and too frequently in our “push” to “get ahead”, we forget our core blessings. Compared to these Blessings, getting ahead isn’t the most important thing. INVOLVE YOUR FAMILY THIS YEAR…even your two-year-old will feel the gratitude. 


Summarize all things you accomplished throughout the year. This is such an important step to write down because it never ceases to amaze me, when I reflect, just how much I have accomplished. I always need my calendar for this one because I find I forget all the little things I did do throughout the year. The journey can be so (apparently) slow and frustrating, that seeing how far you progress each year is very important. 


Now that you are grateful for the mess you have gotten yourself into, write down your goals for the coming year. Come up with 20-30-50 ideas. Many times, the “best” ones are the last few that pop into your head. Remember the Pankey Cross and plan in all areas, Work, Love, Play, and Worship. Know Yourself, Know Your Patient, Know Your Work, and Apply Your Knowledge (this is a part of that). Spend as much (or more) time and money on the behavioral - communication aspects of care as you do the technical aspects of dental care. Plan to integrate Joy, Wonder and Relationships into your work. 

Set Aside Quiet Time to Reflect

Please set aside quiet time to do this. The first time it may take several struggling hours. I reflect several times a year and still set aside a few hours, but it has become almost like meditation for me and is one of the most important things I do for myself. I do this to continually refocus my efforts and to enhance gratitude. This has become part of my personal Peace process.

Thinking Beats Regurgitation

Throughout our education process we dentists are taught to memorize and regurgitate…not to reflect nor to think (I believe, at times, thinking is beaten out of us). We look to others to provide us the “answers” we might be missing that will guarantee our passing the tests (success). Sometimes we glance at someone else’s success and, thus, we let others define success for us — and we all are obsessive enough to bust our butts for an “A” to please someone else. If we just miss being perfect, we feel like such a failure. And for those of you paralyzed by needing to be perfect…Perfection is a disease. The goal is excellence, not perfection. John Wooden said it best:

“Success is the self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best.”

Related Course

The Pankey Hygienist: Where Clinical & Behavioral Science Unite

DATE: January 9 2025 @ 1:00 pm - January 11 2025 @ 8:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 3195

Single Occupancy Room with Ensuite Bath (Per Night): $ 345

The Power of Development Hygienists and Dentists: Are you ready for your hygiene appointments to be more effective both clinically and relationally? Can you imagine having a totally fresh perspective…

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Bill Gregg DDS

I attended South Hills High School in Covina, Denison University in Granville, Ohio and the University of Redlands in Redlands, California prior to dental school at UCLA. My post-graduate education has included an intensive residency at UCLA Hospital, completion of a graduate program at The L.D. Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education ; acceptance for Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD); and in 2006 I earned the prestegious Pankey Scholar. Continuing education has always been essential in the preparation to be the best professional I am capable of becoming and to my ongoing commitment to excellence in dental care and personal leadership. I am a member of several dental associations and study groups and am involved in over 100 hours of continuing education each year. The journey to become one of the best dentists in the world often starts at the Pankey Institute. I am thrilled that I am at a point in my professional life that I can give back. I am honored that I can be a mentor to others beginning on their path. As such, I have discovered a new passion; teaching. I am currently on faculty at The L.D. Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education devoting 2-3 weeks each year to teaching post-graduate dental programs. In other presentations my focus is on Leadership and includes lifestyle, balance and motivation as much as dentistry.




Embracing Digital Technology

April 17, 2019 Pankey Gram

On day one of the 2019 Annual Pankey Meeting, Dr. Gary Severance and Angela Severance will explore how digital technology continues to expand the opportunities dental professionals have to know their work and to provide better dentistry and ultimately better care.  Preliminary to this presentation, we share this quote with you.

“Be not the first to try the new or the last to leave the old aside.”

This is a statement from Dr. L.D. Pankey in his 1985 interview with the International College of Dentists. As a well-read and literary man, Dr. Pankey was familiar with Alexander Pope, an 18th-century English poet who is best known for his satirical verse and translation of Homer. Because Pope is the second-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (after Shakespeare), it is highly likely Dr. Pankey was inspired by the following famous couplet from Pope’s Essay on Criticism.

Be not the first by whom the new are tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.

We offer this conjecture, because Pope’s couplet is often used across the professions in the context of evaluating and adapting to technological change.

Pushing Forward Mindfully

Dr. Pankey was on the forefront of the technological and methodological changes that rapidly occurred in dentistry during the 1950s and onward. He was internally driven to be and do his best for his patients and profession. He urged dentists to “know your work” to provide better dentistry and ultimately better care.

Digital technology in dentistry has advanced to address special needs, just as Dr. Pankey advanced in his systems of thought and practice to address special needs. He did this mindfully.

His genius, in concert with those of Dr. Arvin Mann and Dr. Clyde Schuyler, had produced the “P.M.S. Technic.” They had selected the best of the procedures that had been developed by outstanding practitioners in their special fields and assembled them into a system that functioned well for addressing full mouth rehabilitation. They applied their intelligence to “try” new techniques and new materials. They gained knowledge through carefully doing their best for patient, after patient. They then stepped out to share what worked successfully for them. Along the way, Dr. Pankey was mindfully developing his philosophy of practice. He intentionally set out to learn from many great minds, and the composite of principles he lived by and generously shared through his lectures, publications, and ceaseless conversations with other dentists have rippled into our lives today.

Learn, Converse, Lead with Confidence

As a community, you can share your knowledge, immerse in conversation, and lead with confidence. The L.D. Pankey Institute from its beginning was a radical departure from dental school settings of the day. The Institute pioneered a training clinic with overhead cameras and closed-circuit TV, anatomical simulators (which had heretofore only been developed for training in medical schools), and it’s characteristic “hands on” learning process. The Institute’s founding leaders conceived of novel ways to fulfill their goals. But—building the unique learning environment and learning process involved tens of thousands of hours of research, thought, and conversation. A group of “top” minds in dentistry worked together to close the gap between what was known (the science) and what was practiced.  Adaptation to emerging digital technology is no different.

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

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