Remembering Dr. John A Anderson Sr: Part 3

September 28, 2018 Richard Green DDS MBA

Keep reading for the final part of Pankey co-founder Dr. John A. Anderson’s story: 

A quote by philosopher Soren Kierkegaard that can help us gain perspective from Dr. Anderson’s path –

Life can only be understood backwards;

but it must be lived forwards!

This fact is of such central, profound, and fundamentally urgent importance for each human being to realize!

Joining the Pankey Institute

In the late ‘60s, Dr. John Anderson was in the prime of his dental career and about to turn fifty years of age when the LD Pankey Foundation was signed into being. Roughly one year later, John had already turned down an invitation to be the Dean of NUDS. He was finishing his sixth year in his third office when the ORS group met in November 1970.

John Anderson and Loren Miller said “Yes” to Co-Directing The Pankey Institute. Looking back, it is easier to see the defining work and moments that shaped their lives, character, ethic, education, and intent from the inside out.

The mark of an outstanding educator is the ability to create experiences in a learning process that invites participants into an opportunity of discovery. 

After an Advisory Class, or “test run” as John and Loren liked to call it, the Institute officially opened the first week of October 1972 with a C-1 Class. As The Pankey Institute matured, Dr. Anderson took on the role of directing education process and Dr. Miller directed administration. Both sold their practices and became full-time at The Pankey Institute.

John and Loren jointly invited twelve individuals of various ages in November 1974 and an additional three in early 1975 to join the Cadre – the Pankey Institute’s original Visiting Faculty. Dr. Henry Tanner joined the full-time Faculty in 1974.

John, Loren, and Henry continued to develop the next generations in dentistry and an Experiential Educational Process. They dedicated their lives to refining it with and for others.

A Pankey Legacy

Dr. Anderson died of a sudden and surprising heart attack on 12/31/1978, having celebrated his fifty-ninth birthday on November 18, 1978. He was and still is a significant mentor to me.

Within our relationship, there was the opportunity for multi-event dosing of purposefulness, commitment, integral ethic, authenticity, passion, responsibility, demonstrated excellence in relationship building, human understanding, acceptance, discovery, inventiveness, and excellence in clinical dentistry.

A story: As John was becoming more and more full-time in Florida, after the beginning of The Pankey Institute in 1972, he sold his practice in Glenview, IL about forty miles from my practice in Hinsdale, IL.

He would call and ask if it was OK to refer a patient to me for continuing care. I would gladly accept. I would find out while interviewing the new patients that many were from Hinsdale and neighboring suburbs. Most had traveled past my office on their way to John’s for years!  

The gift of those patients was not the dental work I was able to do for them. Rather it was listening to their story of when and how they found John.

Some of their work was done in the late 40s and early 50s prior to John meeting Dr. Pankey. Other’s was done in the middle 50s to ’62 and I witnessed the influence of Drs. Pankey, Mann, and Schuyler on John’s dental work.

And then, in the work done from ’62 to ’74, I could see the influence of Dr. Henry Tanner. It was a confirmation of being and becoming a continual student – the learning and growing of an outstanding professional.

This gradual unfolding is a shining example of doing the best you can each day and being open to your own learning along the way. I cared for many of those individuals for the next twenty-plus years. About the only work I needed to do was an occasional “freeing-up” of the occlusion on posterior teeth due to natural wear on anterior teeth. This required smoothing of leading edge bevels and trailing edge sharpening. Re-beveling diminished the chance of chipping and fracture.

These experiences gave me a sense of hope as I reviewed my own work throughout the years. I noticed my growth and development reflected in it. What a gift!

Related Course

E2: Occlusal Appliances & Equilibration

DATE: April 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - April 10 2025 @ 2:30 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 7400

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

THIS COURSE IS SOLD OUT What if you had one tool that increased comprehensive case acceptance, managed patients with moderate to high functional risk, verified centric relation and treated signs…

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Richard Green DDS MBA

Rich Green, D.D.S., M.B.A. is the founder and Director Emeritus of The Pankey Institute Business Systems Development program. He retired from The Pankey Institute in 2004. He has created Evergreen Consulting Group, Inc., to continue his work encouraging and assisting dentists in making the personal choices that will shape their practices according to their personal vision of success to achieve their preferred future in dentistry. Rich Green received his dental degree from Northwestern University in 1966. He was a early colleague and student of Bob Barkley in Illinois. He had frequent contact with Bob Barkley because of his interest in the behavioral aspects of dentistry. Rich Green has been associated with The Pankey Institute since its inception, first as a student, then as a Visiting Faculty member beginning in 1974, and finally joining the Institute full time in 1994. While maintaining his practice in Hinsdale, IL, Rich Green became involved in the management aspects of dentistry and, in 1981, joined Selection Research Corporation (an affiliate of The Gallup Organization) as an associate. This relationship and his interest in management led to his graduation in 1992 with a Masters in Business Administration from the Keller Graduate School in Chicago.




Remembering Dr. John A Anderson Sr: Part 2

September 26, 2018 Richard Green DDS MBA

Here we continue a Pankey founder’s life story …

Meeting Dr. LD Pankey

The 1950s held many experiences that shaped Dr. Anderon’s personality, inventiveness, and professional growth. He formed the Saunders Milwaukee study club with Dr. David Hoffman. They began studying Practice Management and brought Dutch Wohler in from California to spend a life-changing week with the group.

This led to an invitation for John to attend a Practice Management Meeting at the University of Michigan in ’52. It became the founding meeting of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration (AADPA). Its speaker was none other than Dr. LD Pankey.

Study Clubs and Teaching

John continued to seek out Dr. Pankey’s philosophy courses, where he met Dr. Loren Miller. In 1957, Drs. Pankey, Mann, and Schuyler invited John Anderson and other dentists to be part of the Oral Rehabilitation Seminars (ORS).

The major purpose of the ORS was to create the Teaching Manuals. They used Dr. Anderson’s Case Slides in their presentations. This ORS group traveled and taught the PMS Technique and Course to study clubs from ’58 to ’72. These study club members became early adopters and LD Pankey Foundation supporters later on.

The experience of teaching ignited in John a passion for learning about how people learn best. He wondered, what is the best process?

Sit-Down Dentistry

During the ’55-‘65 time period, Dr. Anderson and Dr. David Hoffman were studying “Time and Motion” principles in dentistry with memo-motion photography.

In the 40s and 50s, John had not yet met Dr. Henry Tanner, who was part of the development of the High-Speed Air Turbine Handpiece at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Dutch Wohler introduced them in ‘62, while John and his family were spending vacation time in California – small world!

Henry and John found ways to teach together over the next 16 years. Henry joined The Pankey Institute’s Faculty from ’74 to ’80.

Communicator and Educator

By the time I entered my pre-dental education at North Park College in ’60, John was in his second office across the street from Swedish Covenant Hospital. This was five blocks from my dorm.  

I saw his innovative efforts with sit-down dentistry and four- and six-handed dentistry. During this period, John was continuing to develop as a communicator and educator. Twice a year he would spend an evening with dental students at NUDS talking about “The Profession You Are About to Enter”!

His time commitments to the ORS group, Chicago Mid-Winter Meeting, and Branch Chicago Dental Society meetings featured his cutting edge concepts. These included restorative dentistry, dental materials selection, practice management, and equipment selection for sit-down dentistry.

At the end of my second year at NUDS and starting the summer clinic in ‘64, John was moving into his third office in Glenview, IL. The new office was based on his research involvement, which came from the aforementioned Time and Motion Studies.

Curious what happens next in the history of a Pankey founder? Check out Part 3 in this series …

Related Course

E2: Occlusal Appliances & Equilibration

DATE: October 20 2024 @ 8:00 am - October 24 2024 @ 2:30 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 7200

night with private bath: $ 290

THIS COURSE IS SOLD OUT What if you had one tool that increased comprehensive case acceptance, managed patients with moderate to high functional risk, verified centric relation and treated signs…

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Richard Green DDS MBA

Rich Green, D.D.S., M.B.A. is the founder and Director Emeritus of The Pankey Institute Business Systems Development program. He retired from The Pankey Institute in 2004. He has created Evergreen Consulting Group, Inc., to continue his work encouraging and assisting dentists in making the personal choices that will shape their practices according to their personal vision of success to achieve their preferred future in dentistry. Rich Green received his dental degree from Northwestern University in 1966. He was a early colleague and student of Bob Barkley in Illinois. He had frequent contact with Bob Barkley because of his interest in the behavioral aspects of dentistry. Rich Green has been associated with The Pankey Institute since its inception, first as a student, then as a Visiting Faculty member beginning in 1974, and finally joining the Institute full time in 1994. While maintaining his practice in Hinsdale, IL, Rich Green became involved in the management aspects of dentistry and, in 1981, joined Selection Research Corporation (an affiliate of The Gallup Organization) as an associate. This relationship and his interest in management led to his graduation in 1992 with a Masters in Business Administration from the Keller Graduate School in Chicago.




Remembering Dr. John A Anderson Sr: Part 1

September 24, 2018 Richard Green DDS MBA

I was asked to write an article about Dr. John A. Anderson, Sr., one of two men who said “yes” to stepping up in November 1970 to co-create The Pankey Institute. As I put together a timeline of his life, I noticed the import of his early life experiences, many of which commonly shape a person’s Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

These qualities are often found in boundary pushers, leaders, and dentists committed to continuing their education throughout their lives. They do so while folding their learning back into their practice of dentistry for the benefit of others.

I first met Dr. Anderson in December 1956 when he and his family were visiting cousins. They attended a Christmas choral concert at our church in Hinsdale, IL. I was a freshman in high school at the time.

As I was introduced, I can remember his handshake and warm greeting. When he heard I wanted to be a dentist and go to Northwestern University Dental School, his words were very encouraging.

Life Experiences That Shaped Dr. Anderson’s Life

Dr. Anderson was born November 18, 1919 in Wonju, Korea. His parents Dr. A. G. and Hattie Anderson were medical missionaries – Hattie had a teaching degree. John’s schooling occurred at Pyongyang Academy in Korea.

John was sent to the USA to continue his education with two years at Baldwin-Wallace College, OH. In the fall of 1938 he entered Northwestern University Dental School (NUDS). He then graduated three years later in 1941.

John became a Clinical Instructor at NUDS from the summer of ’41 to the summer of ’42. After marrying his wife Eleanor in ’42, he was commissioned in the Army Air Corps, Dental Division and sent to India. After returning from India, where he contracted malaria, John recovered and was released from active duty.

He opened his first practice on N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL in 1945. His uncle was a dentist in the area of Chicago called “Andersonville” due to the large population of Swedish immigrants.

While he and Eleanor lived in Andersonville they had three children: Denise ’47, Jay ’49, and Jill ’53.

Keep an eye out for Part 2 in this story of a Pankey founder …

Related Course

Mastering Advanced Splint Therapy

DATE: November 13 2025 @ 8:00 am - November 16 2025 @ 1:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition : $ 5900

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

If you are ready to take what you know about appliance therapy to the next level, then this course is a must. The anatomic appliance is one of the most…

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Richard Green DDS MBA

Rich Green, D.D.S., M.B.A. is the founder and Director Emeritus of The Pankey Institute Business Systems Development program. He retired from The Pankey Institute in 2004. He has created Evergreen Consulting Group, Inc., to continue his work encouraging and assisting dentists in making the personal choices that will shape their practices according to their personal vision of success to achieve their preferred future in dentistry. Rich Green received his dental degree from Northwestern University in 1966. He was a early colleague and student of Bob Barkley in Illinois. He had frequent contact with Bob Barkley because of his interest in the behavioral aspects of dentistry. Rich Green has been associated with The Pankey Institute since its inception, first as a student, then as a Visiting Faculty member beginning in 1974, and finally joining the Institute full time in 1994. While maintaining his practice in Hinsdale, IL, Rich Green became involved in the management aspects of dentistry and, in 1981, joined Selection Research Corporation (an affiliate of The Gallup Organization) as an associate. This relationship and his interest in management led to his graduation in 1992 with a Masters in Business Administration from the Keller Graduate School in Chicago.




Panadent Dento-Facial Analyzer Technique: Introduction

September 21, 2018 Lee Ann Brady DMD

The Dento-Facial Analyzer is a marvelous tool I use in the practice to mount maxillary models. It has made a huge difference in my practice of dentistry and is one of my favorite tools to teach.

Introduction to the Dento-Facial Analyzer

For the critical aspects of diagnostics and sending info to the lab for the completion of a restorative case, mounting models appropriately is so important. They must be mounted in three planes of space referenced to hinge access to capture esthetic information including incisal plane and occlusal plane relative to the horizon.

Traditionally, this has been accomplished by utilizing a Facebow, Earbow, or by actually capturing hinge access position. Now, we have the option of using the Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer to capture both functional information and esthetic information that we would normally get with a Fox’s bite plane or stick bite. All of this functionality is managed with one simple device.

The Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer was designed based on scientific information gathered by Dr. John Kois, which shows that the distance from the incisal edge position of the maxillary central incisors to hinge access on average is 100 mm. Most people fall within a range of 5 mm to the average, therefore this is the assumption made when the device takes a record.

The armamentarium for record capturing with the Panadent instrument includes the analyzer, bite registration silicone in a gun with a tip, VPS adhesive used in an impression tray, and disposable bite plates that snap onto the analyzer (from the device manufacturer Panadent).

You can use bite registration silicone, Panadent bite tabs, wax, or VPS heavy body impression material to capture the record …

I’ll continue this review of the Dento-Facial Analyzer technique in Part 2, coming soon! And don’t miss one of my recent Pankey Gram favorites from Dr. Bill Gregg on an occlusion-focused hygiene exam. Read it here for his insightful tips.

For an in-person, hands-on lesson in the Dento-Facial Analyzer, check out our Essentials 1 Pankey course. You can also watch this video for a quick refresher.  

Related Course

E2: Occlusal Appliances & Equilibration

DATE: March 23 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 27 2025 @ 2:30 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 7400

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

What if you had one tool that increased comprehensive case acceptance, managed patients with moderate to high functional risk, verified centric relation and treated signs and symptoms of TMD? Appliance…

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Lee Ann Brady DMD

Dr. Lee Ann Brady is passionate about dentistry, her family and making a difference. She is a general dentist and owns a practice in Glendale, AZ limited to restorative dentistry. Lee’s passion for dental education began as a CE junkie herself, pursuing lots of advanced continuing education focused on Restorative and Occlusion. In 2005, she became a full time resident faculty member for The Pankey Institute, and was promoted to Clinical Director in 2006. Lee joined Spear Education as Executive VP of Education in the fall of 2008 to teach and coordinate the educational curriculum. In June of 2011, she left Spear Education, founded and joined the dental practice she now owns as an associate. Today, she teaches at dental meetings and study clubs both nationally and internationally, continues to write for dental journals and her website, sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Inside Dentistry and DentalTown Magazines and is the Director of Education for The Pankey Institute.




Taking Advantage of the Key Biscayne Ritz-Carlton

September 19, 2018 Pankey Gram

Key Biscayne has more to it than meets the eye. Though it’s a small place, it also manages to be a prime vacation destination. Along those lines, one of our favorite spots of all on the Key is the Ritz-Carlton.

The Ritz is classy while still being both laid back and accessible. Here’s why you should either stay at or visit this beachside resort:

We Love the Key Biscayne Ritz-Carlton

The Key Biscayne Ritz has three fabulous restaurants to satisfy many different cravings. You can have a quick and easy meal by the water at Dune Burgers on the beach. If you want a more upscale lunch or dinner, head to Cantina Beach for Mexican fare such as tacos and enchiladas. You can then watch the sun set over the beach.

The fanciest of the Ritz’s restaurants has to be Lightkeepers. This swanky oceanfront restaurant offers a pleasing mix of seafood, cheese, and beef. They also have a rum bar and poolside ice cream parlor for a simpler option.

The lobby bar in particular is a Pankey favorite. They have live music and a longtime bartender Geno who has worked there for multiple decades. We sometimes think he knows more Pankey philosophy than almost anyone else on the Key. He also makes the best piña colada in the area.

Between meals and time spent on the beach, head to the Ritz’s 25,000-square-foot spa or their phenomenal fitness center. They provide many luxury experiences designed to make the world fall away completely. You’ll be completely refreshed either before, after, or during a Pankey course.

The Key Biscayne Ritz-Carlton will be the site of the 2019 Pankey annual meeting, so there’s a significant chance you’ll have sand in your toes and a margarita or daiquiri in your hand before long.

Do you have a favorite place to stay while you’re at Pankey? 

Related Course

E4: Posterior Reconstruction and Completing the Comprehensive Treatment Sequence

DATE: July 31 2025 @ 8:00 am - August 4 2025 @ 2:30 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 7400

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

The purpose of this course is to help you develop mastery with complex cases involving advanced restorative procedures, precise sequencing and interdisciplinary coordination. Building on the learning in Essentials Three…

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Pankey Gram




Referring Your Patients to a Dentist You Trust

September 18, 2018 Lee Ann Brady DMD

Referrals can be a real challenge, especially for those invested in building a strong relationship with their patients. It’s a bummer to let go of the many years you’ve put into developing a patient’s trust, but it happens all the time. You just have to make sure the trade-off goes as smoothly as possible.

Everyone has patients that move or need to leave their dental practice for whatever reason. As part of the service and care we have provided I like to give them a referral to an office where I know they will get the same level of care and quality.

Referring to Another Pankey Dentist

I may not know every dentist that has gone through Pankey, but I know a lot about them. I know they care passionately about dentistry based on their commitment to education and being the best dentist they can be. I also know they have learned the same approach to clinical care that I have and really understand how to connect with their patients. Many have created their own individualized, relationship-based practice.

One of the best resources I have for referrals to dentists in the Pankey family is the “Find a Dentist” link side banner on the website. I can type in their area code and find members of the Pankey Alumni association anywhere my patients are moving to. I use this resource all of the time.

I also know that I get patients referred by other Pankey dentists every month. That’s why when I look at the dues and fees I pay to belong to dental organizations, my Pankey alumni membership is the easiest one to pay. What I get back in rewards is a small cost to market my practice to other Pankey dentists looking for a new dental home for their patients.

What’s your favored referral process? Let us know! 

Related Course

E4: Posterior Reconstruction and Completing the Comprehensive Treatment Sequence

DATE: July 31 2025 @ 8:00 am - August 4 2025 @ 2:30 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 7400

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

The purpose of this course is to help you develop mastery with complex cases involving advanced restorative procedures, precise sequencing and interdisciplinary coordination. Building on the learning in Essentials Three…

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About Author

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Lee Ann Brady DMD

Dr. Lee Ann Brady is passionate about dentistry, her family and making a difference. She is a general dentist and owns a practice in Glendale, AZ limited to restorative dentistry. Lee’s passion for dental education began as a CE junkie herself, pursuing lots of advanced continuing education focused on Restorative and Occlusion. In 2005, she became a full time resident faculty member for The Pankey Institute, and was promoted to Clinical Director in 2006. Lee joined Spear Education as Executive VP of Education in the fall of 2008 to teach and coordinate the educational curriculum. In June of 2011, she left Spear Education, founded and joined the dental practice she now owns as an associate. Today, she teaches at dental meetings and study clubs both nationally and internationally, continues to write for dental journals and her website, sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Inside Dentistry and DentalTown Magazines and is the Director of Education for The Pankey Institute.