It is never too soon or too late to commit to excellence. For more than four decades we have been at the forefront of dentistry, changing the lives of dentists, technicians, team members, and patients through our comprehensive advanced education and friendly community.


I signed up for this course as I was overwhelmed and unsure of where to even start with equilibrations. Dr. Muench did an amazing job of showing me how straightforward this procedure can be when done in a systemized way. Dr. Muench’s understanding of this process, along with his fun teaching style really engaged me in the process and helped me quickly feel more confident in myself and performing this procedure.  This was more than just a technical class; so many pearls of wisdom were shared that went well beyond the stated learning objectives.  I now feel confident in both my ability to predictably perform equilibrations, but more importantly, where and how this key treatment fits into a patient’s overall well being. Dr. Muench is a true master, and I feel truly honored to have had the opportunity to learn this all important skill from him.
Recent Mastering Equilibration Participant (2024)

Beyond incredible. You created a missionary. I have no idea how you did it, but you created one of the best learning environments I have ever had the privilege being apart of. I very quickly found myself confiding in the safe space that was created, and in 4 days without an ounce of doubt in my mind-found lifelong friends and invested mentors. It was a whirlwind of knowledge, emotion, and fun. The camaraderie developed just in 4 days is the Pankey experience.
Recent E1 Participant (2024)

It has helped me put together a wholistic approach to my practice. I appreciated learning about all of the different aspects of the profession.
Recent E1 Participant (2024)

“The Pankey Institute has become the ONE PLACE for me that fulfills all of the following for my dental practice: High-quality evidence-based technical procedures designed FOR general practitioners taught by practicing GP dentists; Educational resource for the non-clinical skill-sets (e.g. behavioral, financial planning, HR management) that are required for the successful delivery of comprehensive, relationship-based dentistry; and Mentorship network to facilitate with the guidance and implementation of newly learned concepts, procedures and/or systems into my dental practice.
I cannot imagine my current practice of dentistry without The Pankey Institute!”
Dr. Melvin Lee, Ottawa, Canada (2023)

I attended Pankey because I knew I needed help in progressing in my dentistry. And I found so much moreDuring my E1 experience I could hardly sleep each night when I finished the dayI was so excited with each day of learningThe people, the faculty….they were so engaging and like mindedI remember it like it was yesterday.  The bonds that I share with some of the faculty and participants of my E1 experience still remain today….20 years later.  It’s like being introduced to a multilayer support system that is never endingIt’s hard to fail when you have so many people to reach out to when questions and concerns come your wayThe path has many layers and differing directions depending upon your interests and needs. 
Dr. Jennifer Davis, Pennsylvania (2023)

“When I took this course nearly 10 years ago, it accelerated my path toward aesthetic dentistry in a way no other course has since. Now that I’m part of the faculty for it, the vision remains the same: provide a comprehensive course on aesthetic restorative dentistry from planning to delivery and even post-op photography. We believe it is the complete package and the best of its kind!” 
Dr. Charlie Ward, Maryland (2023)

“My Pankey Journey taught me the value of slowing down and being effective by listening with intention. Patients won’t accept your care until they know how much you truly care! What I found at the Pankey Institute was a community of Staff, Faculty, and Alumni that were dedicated to MY success technically and behaviorally. I cherry on top is I’ve become a better father and husband and friend. 
Dr. Kevin Muench, New Jersey (2023)

“There is so much more to learning than the knowledge and details. Putting the new information into practice is Pankey’s true strength. I love to experience seeing someone begin their Pankey journey thinking they will learn how to be a better dentist and realize what’s really going on is they are learning how to be a better human. 
Steve Carstensen, Washington (2023)

“Forty years ago, when I was just starting clinical rotation at Georgetown Dental School, I noticed an interesting trend.  The professors were all excellent teachers, but a handful stood out above the rest.  They were passionate about individual care, comprehensive in their approach (pretty unheard of back then), and led by example.  Even in a clinic setting, their relationship-based dentistry formed the backbone of exceptional outcomes and patient satisfaction.  When queried about where they learned these interesting traits, the response was strikingly similar, “They teach that at The Pankey Institute”.

Upon graduating, I set two goals: Pay down my massive student debt and go to that place in Key Biscayne.  Professionally, it was the best decision I ever made.  The Institute became foundational in my approach to dental practice.  More importantly, it became the North Star to other parts of my life that I never expected or planned on. I will forever remember a conversation at a Friday dinner, Pete said “Do the right thing, and the money will follow”.  Over the decades I have witnessed that time and again, with every person associated with 1 Crandon Blvd.

My referral network around the US and the world is replete with doctors I know will provide excellent care for my patients.  And they all come from a single source: My little Pankey referral book. It is reassuring to have such a profound resource at my disposal.

Many dental “Institutes” have come and gone over the years, but only one has stood the test of time.  I’m blessed to have discovered this island of excellence in a sea of mediocrity and owe it to the Institute to give back.  For me, the best way to do that is to share my experience at every opportunity, in the hope that a young student will find the same gem I did back in 1983.  The LD Pankey Institute is the One Place dedicated to growing better dental professionals, resulting in healthier people and making the world just a little bit better for everyone.”
Dr. Brian Gray, Washington D.C. (2023)

“The Pankey Institute is unmatched in their approach to considering the whole person and providing the tools and support needed to implement the goals you have for your life and your practice.”
Dr. Jamie Kinoshita Brooks, Washington (2017)

“I am always blown away by the humbleness, organization, and expertise of EVERY Pankey course I have taken. This [Dental Sleep Medicine] was my first focus course after taking the Essentials and I was hopeful this would continue…I was not disappointed.”
Dr. Eric Paster, Pennsylvania (2017)

“I am very grateful to the Pankey Institute for providing a safe environment and opportunity to recognize and verbalize some very deep confusion that I had been experiencing about my motivations and values in dentistry.”
Essentials 1 Participant, (2017)

“The Pankey Institute continues to find ways to enhance my professional career. With the Worn Dentition course, I was allowed two days of provocative, comprehensive study with Pankey faculty without having to leave my backyard! I now have the skills needed to competently and confidently help my patients with severely worn teeth restore function and esthetics. Dr. Fling is an exceptional clinician who shared his time and knowledge in a small group setting with other like-minded dentists. I applaud the Pankey Institute on their creative ways of bringing higher learning to dentists – even if that means bringing it on the road!”
Dr. Brennan T. O’Brien, Mississippi (2017)

“Once again, Pankey has built a team of knowledgeable and caring individuals to take care of us, teach us and motivate us. I felt like I was coming back to my Pankey home, where I can see my friends and reconnect with a support network of like minded individuals. I look forward to next time.”
Essentials 3 Participant, (2016)

“I am working on building value and understanding in patients to be proactive and consider proper treatment.  The patients that are booking big cases I feel way more confident and have a great road map of where to go in order to get predictable, esthetic and functional results. So, THANK YOU PANKEY for that!”
Dr. Andrea Fallon, Massachusetts (2016)

“I am very impressed by the dedication and the love to impart knowledge by all at Pankey. My 3 faculty and Dale were just awesome They had a fantastic chemistry between them and were always complementing each others lectures with their own experiences and I felt that helped us learn even more. I was a little unsure entering Pankey but left very pleased with the call I had made.”
Dr. Divya Bhargava, Singapore (2015)

“I have re-entered my universe post my first Pankey experience [Mastering Business Essentials] and I can honestly say that it has been the most profound, enlightening and exciting course of my entire dental career.”
Dr. Sheila Samaddar, Washington D.C. (2015)

“Of all the CE I’ve attended over the years, Pankey has been the most influential and powerful education yet.  I only hope I can give back to it as much as I have received.  Thanks to all for providing such a special place to learn and grow, both professionally and personally.”
Dr. Talmadge D. Wilkins, IV, South Carolina (2015)

“Not a single day has passed since I landed back in Detroit from Key Biscayne that I haven’t reflected on the indescribable experience I had during my week at Pankey.  So many aspects of the program have impacted my life both professionally and personally.  Most programs leave you geared up to make plans and changes in our lives, and then after a few days or even a week later, it’s back to business as usual.  Not so with Pankey.  Each day I strive to make at least one positive change in the way I want to practice dentistry and the way I build and maintain my relationships with my patients and those around me. I know that change takes time, and the only speed bump I have noticed is when my eagerness and patience collide.”
Dr. Michael Pyatenko, Michigan (2013)

“I saw the same ‘old’ patients with ‘different eyes’, and found myself anticipating them, wondering what I would see that I have never noticed before. I found myself being more confident with recommendations and referrals.”
Dr. June Hiebert, Oklahoma (2012)

“So far, absolutely an amazing experience! Already have learned so much more than I came for.”
Essentials 3 Participant, (2012)

“My head is spinning and my excitement has been apparent to everyone I have seen since returning from this exceptional course. This last week was one of the finest educational experiences I have ever had.”
Dr. Edmond Mukamal, New York (2011)

“We all felt a purpose and I saw in each of us a dedication to serving through what we do and who we are. There was no judgment, just unconditional nurturing for the benefit of those we serve.”
Dr. Barry Segal, Florida (2011)

“The setting you provided [was] the most comfortable and approachable CE course I have taken in a lifetime. I felt that every lesson and exercise was superb…. I didn’t close my eyes once.”
Dr. Julie Kardon, New Jersey (2011)

“I honestly can say I feel like a dentist today. It’s really unbelievable how much better I feel about what I’m seeing and doing. I’m so grateful for what you taught me last week. I know it’s a long journey, but I know I’m on the right road.”
Dr. Scott Province, New York (2012)

“…it makes me realize that as dentists we have ‘healing power’ at our finger tips! Sometimes we can ‘heal’ without even having a high speed in our hands.”
Dr. Steve Taborda, Florida (2012)

“Some people might say, ‘How are you going to use this course in your practice?’ and I would answer, ‘Just follow me around on a typical day and I’ll show you how it has helped me.’”
Dr. Bruce Anderson, Michigan (2012)

“Five star course—the best team course ever! One team member couldn’t believe 5:00 p.m. had come so soon!”
Dr. Shannon Griffin, Oklahoma (2011)

“Each time I am about to return to Pankey, I wonder how my visit will even compare to the last. Never fail – my experience always surpasses the last.”
Dr. Laura Harkin, Pennsylvania (2012)

“I feel like this course taught me more than any other experience! I am so VERY thankful!”
Essentials 2 Participant, (2012)

“This has been the best CE course I have ever taken.”
Essentials 1 Participant, (2012)

“Every facilitator was extremely approachable and helpful.”
Dr. Kathleen Barth, Illinois (2012)

“I wanted simply to leave here feeling like I was a better dentist than when I came, and I definitely do. I feel excited and inspired about my profession for the first time in a very long time.”
Dr. Susan Gregory, S. Carolina (2012)

“There has never been a more rewarding experience in continuing education in my 33 years of practice.”
Essentials 1 Participant, (2012)