How The Pankey Institute Saved My Life – Part 2 

October 15, 2024 Barry F. Polansky, DMD

By Barry F. Polansky, DMD 

These thoughts were first published in May of 2021 on my blog Stoic Dentistry. Parts one and two of this blog series tell the story of how The Pankey Institute provided me with inspiration that shaped my career and provided me with purpose to live a meaningful life. 


According to the findings of motivational researchers Deci and Ryan (discussed in Part 1 of this blog series), when we are the masters of our own destiny, we are more focused, productive, optimistic, resilient, creative and healthy. 

In retrospect, this is what I found I was experiencing on my Thursday mornings reserved for practicing “the Pankey way.” 

Autonomy as an intrinsic driver works—so starting slow to install fee-for-service just one morning per week is a sound idea. 

The Riddle of Mastery 

And then there is the riddle of mastery. Mastery sits atop L. D. Pankey’s Ladder of Competency. The question is how does one achieve mastery? It could be reduced to “Just do it,” but there is more science. 

In a 1953 paper by Harvard psychologist, David McClelland, a leader in achievement and motivation theory, he wrote an original thesis titled “The  Achievement Motive.” Deci and Ryan acknowledged that this thesis may have described an intrinsic driver even more important than autonomy. They called it competence, but it now is known as mastery. 

The pursuit of mastery has been the subject of numerous scholars and authors from Theresa Amabile and Robert Greene to George Leonard. Most agree that mastery is the desire to get better at what we do. It is the need to continually get better, to improve and to make progress. It is the royal road to growth and flourishing and the opposite of languishing and drudgery…the low rung on Pankey’s Ladder of Competency. 

Working toward worthy goals is pleasurable. Making progress produces the neuro-chemical dopamine. According to Daniel Pink, author of the popular book Drive, “the single biggest motivator by far, is making progress in meaningful work.” 

At my lowest point in dentistry, I felt stuck. Hopeless. My work had lost its meaning. Today we call that burnout. Those Thursday mornings turned on the light…the light of hope. 

We need the freedom to chase mastery. That freedom comes from autonomy. Without the intrinsic driver of autonomy, it is difficult to sustain the drive necessary to achieve mastery…this is based on our biology, not just some story, fairy tale, or business myth. 

Driven by Dopamine and Progress 

After installing the Pankey Thursday mornings where I could practice autonomously, applying the lessons I needed to learn, I slowly put the complex elements of comprehensive relationship dentistry together. I started with the comprehensive examination and built on that by learning all of the components from the mundane mounting of models to the nuances of advanced occlusion. It took time…but driven by dopamine and progress, slowly I was installing my model practice. 

I realized that learning the softer behavioral skills were just as important as the technical, so in time I learned about case presentation. Through the years I learned new skills like digital photography and Power Point. Today’s dentists are mastering digital 3D treatment planning. 

I am retired now and looking back I see how that moment when Dr. Becker suggested the Pankey Morning changed my life. 

Today things are different. There is pressure on young dentists to dive into corporate dentistry or adopt practice models focused solely on extrinsic rewards. Many of these newer models undermine autonomy, which, in my view, is a critical error. The Pankey Institute continues to thrive because it champions the principles of autonomy and mastery that are essential for a fulfilling and sustainable career. By embracing a fee-for-service approach and fostering an environment where personal growth and patient relationships take precedence, dentists can build practices that not only endure but flourish.  

As I reflect on my own journey, I see that the true essence of a rewarding career lies in balancing professional excellence with the autonomy to pursue one’s own vision—a hallmark of L. D. Pankey’s philosophy of practice. 


Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Barry F. Polansky, DMD

Dr. Polansky has delivered comprehensive cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and implant dentistry for more than 35 years. He was born in the Bronx, New York in January 1948. The doctor graduated from Queens College in 1969 and received his DMD degree in 1973 from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Following graduation, Dr. Polansky spent two years in the US Army Dental Corps, stationed at Fort. Dix, New Jersey. In 1975, Dr. Polansky entered private practice in Medford Lakes. Three years later, he built his second practice in the town in which he now lives, Cherry Hill. Dr. Polansky wrote his first article for Dental Economics in 1995 – it was the cover article. Since that time Dr. Polansky has earned a reputation as one of dentistry's best authors and dental philosophers. He has written for many industry publications, including Dental Economics, Dentistry Today, Dental Practice and Finance, and Independent Dentistry (a UK publication).




How The Pankey Institute Saved My Life Part 1 

October 10, 2024 Barry F. Polansky, DMD

By Barry F. Polansky, DMD 

These thoughts were first published in May of 2021 on my blog Stoic Dentistry. Parts one and two of this blog series tell the story of how The Pankey Institute provided me with inspiration that shaped my career and provided me with purpose to live a meaningful life. 


I first attended The Pankey Institute in the late eighties. I was at the lowest point of my career. Admittedly times were a bit easier for a young dentist back then, but in many fundamental ways they were the same. The fundamentals never change; but how best to use them is something you must always stay on top of. Over the years, things have changed but the fundamental wisdom of dental practice has stayed the same. 

For that reason, I believe the best and really the only way to have a fulfilling career in dentistry is through comprehensive, relationship based, fee-for-service practice. 

My First Day at the Institute 

On the first morning at the Institute, I remember feeling overwhelmed. It was like the first time I sat down to write a book…I was focused on the herculean tasks of creating the practice of my dreams…an unbearable project. Every moment of that first week tested my competence and potential to succeed…and then there was the comparisons and contrasts I made with the other students. But I paid attention and took notes. 

In a lecture late in the week, the instructor was discussing how to schedule this new type of practice. He told us to reserve just a morning to practice what we were learning. I returned home and secured every Thursday morning for practicing the Pankey way. That included a lot of new techniques for me and my staff. It was an easy way to introduce the new school of thought to my staff. 

How do you eat an elephant? I used to ask myself…one bite at a time. 

The lecturer that day, Dr. Irwin Becker, who later became my mentor, was righter than he even knew. 

The Self-Determination Theory of Human Motivation 

Just about the same time, during the eighties, two psychologists, Edward Deci and Richard Ryan from the University of Rochester were beginning to formulate their now groundbreaking self-determination theory of human motivation. 

Let’s face it, writing a book or designing a fee for service dental practice takes a lot of energy and motivation. Back then and sadly today, the advice came down to “Just Do It. Deci and Ryan put some science behind human motivation for me…and then I backed into it…but years later, while studying positive psychology, I was gratified that I took Dr. Irwin Becker’s advice; otherwise, I may not have had an accomplished and fulfilling career. 

Let’s look at the science. 

Deci and Ryan defined motivation as the “energy required for action.” How many times do we attempt to accomplish a worthy goal but run out of steam. We need drive. Many people never even try. Installing a fee-for-service practice is difficult…if we dare to do it. It requires resources like drive and energy. 

Deci and Ryan went on to further describe the elements of the drive and motivation they were describing. Firstly, they noted the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The extrinsic drives were the material rewards we are all familiar with, as well as status and recognition. The intrinsic drives included passion, curiosity and purpose. What they found was that intrinsic motivation was more effective in every tested situation, excluding when our basic needs haven’t been met. (See Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.)  

Then something interesting occurred to them. They separated motivation again into controlled motivation, a form of extrinsic motivation and autonomous motivation, a form of intrinsic motivation. If it is work you have to do or are being forced to do, that’s controlled. Autonomous motivation is doing work you choose to do. Deci and Ryan found that, in every case, autonomous motivation destroys controlled motivation.  

The psychologists further explained autonomy by saying it occurs when we are doing what we are doing because of “interest and enjoyment” and because “it aligns with our core values and beliefs.” In other words, it is in alignment with the other intrinsic drives: curiosity, passion and purpose. 

To be continued in Part 2. 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Barry F. Polansky, DMD

Dr. Polansky has delivered comprehensive cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and implant dentistry for more than 35 years. He was born in the Bronx, New York in January 1948. The doctor graduated from Queens College in 1969 and received his DMD degree in 1973 from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Following graduation, Dr. Polansky spent two years in the US Army Dental Corps, stationed at Fort. Dix, New Jersey. In 1975, Dr. Polansky entered private practice in Medford Lakes. Three years later, he built his second practice in the town in which he now lives, Cherry Hill. Dr. Polansky wrote his first article for Dental Economics in 1995 – it was the cover article. Since that time Dr. Polansky has earned a reputation as one of dentistry's best authors and dental philosophers. He has written for many industry publications, including Dental Economics, Dentistry Today, Dental Practice and Finance, and Independent Dentistry (a UK publication).




Advice for Young Dentists Part 1: Be Thoughtful 

August 8, 2024 John Cranham, DDS

By John C. Cranham, DDS 

Every hour you invest in your practice is an hour invested in your future, so invest time in thinking about how you are spending your time. 

I am often asked if I have advice for young dentists starting out in practice. As I reflect on my own experience in practice and on conversations with other dentists in private practice, several thoughts emerge.  

There will be times when you are working in a chaotic, undisciplined environment because you are trying to care for as many people as you can fit into your day. You will become physically and emotionally tired. At some point, you will recognize that you can’t go on that way. You will need to create more disciplined systems for you and your team. You will need to develop your team members, so they can do more and save you time. You will need to hold yourself and them accountable.  

A young dentist must understand that when you run around and do many procedures, you could be confusing activity with productivity. When you’re working on highly thought-out treatment plans, you’re sitting down, you’re doing more well-organized dentistry on fewer patients. You’re also usually executing the dentistry better, which means fewer remakes.  

How do you position yourself to have the luxury of working on those types of cases? The advanced CE at Pankey and other top programs will move you along, but you need to be patient with yourself…and your patients. You will be bringing them along with you through the opportunities you have to educate them about their oral health, where it is headed, and what can be done. Don’t assume you will achieve your goals fast. Eventually, you will become known as the go-to dentist to solve problems and the cases will flow.  

Know your patients. Be thoughtful about moving them along. Enjoy them as you do. 

I’ve written about this before…for the first few years I felt my colleagues were surpassing me. They were doing more advanced cases and utilizing what they were learning at Pankey and Dawson. I had purchased a tiny practice filled with patients who valued dentistry when they were in pain. I aspired to do more than fill cavities. Sometimes I thought I would have to give up on my dream. But I kept talking with my patients, building relationships, raising their awareness, and eventually they began accepting treatment. I had to stay hopeful and employ the behaviors I was being mentored to employ before I could employ my advanced clinical skills.  

I learned a lot about people, not just dentistry, in my early years. I look back upon the experience with fondness now. 

Related Course

Pankey Scholar 15B

DATE: September 4 2025 @ 6:00 pm - September 6 2025 @ 3:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 3495

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

“A Pankey Scholar is one who has demonstrated a commitment to apply the principles, practices and philosophy they learned through their journey at The Pankey Institute.”   At its core,…

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John Cranham, DDS

Dr. John Cranham practices in Chesapeake, Virginia focusing on esthetic dentistry, implant dentistry, occlusal reconstruction, TMJ/Facial Pain and solving complex problems with an interdisciplinary focus. He practices with his daughter Kaitlyn, who finished dental school in 2020. He is an honors graduate of The Medical College of Virginia in 1988. He served the school as a part time clinical instructor from 1991-1998 earning the student given part time faculty of the year twice during his stint at the university. After studying form the greats in occlusion (Pete Dawson & The Pankey Institute) and Cosmetic Dentistry (Nash, Dickerson, Hornbrook, Rosental, Spear, Kois) during the 1990’s, Dr. Cranham created a lecture in 1997 called The Cosmetic Occlusal Connection. This one day lecture kept him very busy presenting his workflows on these seemingly diametrically opposed ideas. In 2001 he created Cranham Dental Seminars which provided, both lecture, and intensive hands on opportunities to learn. In 2004 he began lecturing at the The Dawson Academy with his mentor Pete Dawson, which led to the merging of Cranham Dental Seminars with The Dawson Academy in 2007. He became a 1/3 partner and its acting Clinical Director and that held that position until September of 2020. His responsibilities included the standardization of the content & faculty within The Academy, teaching the Lecture Classes all over the world, overseeing the core curriculum, as well as constantly evolving the curriculum to stay up to pace with the ever evolving world of Dentistry. During his 25 years as an educator, he became one of the most sought after speakers in dentistry. To date he has presented over 1650 full days of continuing education all over the world. Today he has partnered with Lee Culp CDT, and their focus is on integrating sound occlusal, esthetic, and sound restorative principles into efficient digital workflows, and ultimately coaching doctors on how to integrate them into their practices. He does this under the new umbrella Cranham Culp Digital Dental. Dr. Cranham has published numerous articles on restorative dentistry and in 2018 released a book The Complete Dentist he co-authored with Pete Dawson. In 2011 He along with Dr. Drew Cobb created The Dawson Diagnostic Wizard treatment planning software that today it is known as the Smile Wizard. Additionally, He has served as a key opinion leader and on advisory boards with numerous dental companies. In 2020 he published a book entitled “The Cornell Effect-A Families Journey Toward Happiness, Fulfillment and Peace”. It is an up from the ashes story about his adopted son, who overcame incredible odds, and ultimately inspired the entire family to be better. In November of 2021 it climbed to #5 on the Amazon best seller list in its category. Of all the things he has done, he believes getting this story down on paper is having the greatest impact.




Partnering in Health Part 9: It’s Not Magic 

August 6, 2024 Mary Osborne RDH

By Mary Osborne, RDH 

Developing a partnership begins with an attitude of curiosity. It stems from a belief in the possibility that by working together we can achieve more than either of us can accomplish alone. With an attitude of curiosity we can develop the skill of listening and asking questions before going too quickly to teaching and telling. 

How do we help our patients see the part they can play in improving their health?  

We can begin by inviting the patient to share with us what they know about their health. They come to us with attitudes, beliefs, biases, and concerns about their health, as well as specific knowledge of their history. The more we know about where they have been the better able we will be to help them plan their future. We will have information to share about what we find and recommendations for how to proceed, but if we listen first we honor their perspective. We can also begin to hear their aspirations for their health in general and their dental health in particular. 

When dentists discover plaque or bleeding in an initial exam, they can tell the patient that the hygienist will help them with home care. But if we ask the patient if they would like help with home care and they say yes, we now have an invitation to give them information. The difference is subtle, but important.  

You can also ask the patient if a solution they have thought of or a recommendation you have made is something they would like to try. A yes is a commitment on some level to share in the oral hygiene process with you. Inviting and asking means moving the locus of control from you to the patient. I recognize that that is not our default mechanism, so doing this takes intention.  

How can we help patients to see us as a trusted advisor and seek our guidance? 

One of the things that I have learned over the years is that, when I remember who is really in control of the patients’ health, I am better able to partner with them. This process may take a little longer initially, but I would like to suggest we have all the time we need. We have the lifetime of our relationships with our patients.  

Once you agree that you have the mutual goal of moving toward improved health, you can invite them to deeper levels of conversation and understanding around health. You can avoid assuming what is best for them and help the physician inside each patient go to work. As they share their thoughts, they often become clearer about what they hope for.  

When you are genuinely interested in your patient, you earn a level of trust that opens the patient to hear more about their existing conditions and your concerns for them. By making connections with them over what is possible to achieve and what they want to achieve, you create a bond that opens the patient to your expert perspectives. When you ask for and respect their input on solutions, they are more likely to commit to a solution. 

When a new patient needs urgent treatment, how can we meet those treatment needs and still commence a lifetime journey toward health with the patient? 

Of course, we want to help our patients with immediate treatment when disease conditions are acute, but we want to do so in a way that inspires the patient to see the bigger, more comprehensive health picture. We want to help them see health as a journey and see us as empathetic fellow travelers who understand their suffering. As we facilitate dialogue about the health outcomes of treatment, we uncover their broader health aspirations. 

We intentionally deliver the message that we are here for them. We are interested in them and care about them as a person, and we let them know they can count on us to help them become healthier and maintain achieved levels of health. We do not allow the fact that the patient needed immediate relief to get in the way of a long-term commitment to their overall health.  

How do we engage our patients in being curious about their total health? 

At every visit, we can invite them into conversation about their health. The questions you ask will shape the conversation. Instead of “Any changes in your health history?” you might begin with, “How has your health been since the last time we were together?” Pause and listen to learn about your patient’s experiences, opinions, and feelings.  

In my experience, this process respects the physician that lives within each patient and leads to continuous co-discovery and collaboration toward health. Every conversation can empower the patient a little bit more to become clearer about their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, biases, and barriers. The insights developed over the lifetime of your relationship enable you to become a trusted advisor to your patients.  

By exposing your interest about a range of health issues (diabetes, heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, etc.), they will see you as a professional with broad knowledge and a worthwhile perspective. They will see you as a valuable resource. They will see you as someone who knows about health and ¾ more important ¾ someone who knows them 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Mary Osborne RDH

Mary is known internationally as a writer and speaker on patient care and communication. Her writing has been acclaimed in respected print and online publications. She is widely known at dental meetings in the U.S., Canada, and Europe as a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker. Her passion for dentistry inspires individuals and groups to bring the best of themselves to their work, and to fully embrace the difference they make in the lives of those they serve.





July 15, 2024 Bill Davis

By Bill Davis, DDS 

During the first two years of the book project, the institute was still at the DuPont Plaza Hotel in Miami. My schedule was simple. I would fly down on the red eye from Detroit Monday night after my practice time and stay at one of the apartments used by the visiting faculty next to the hotel. Dr. Pankey and I would meet for breakfast at 8 a.m. Then, we would go over to a room in the Institute to talk and I would record everything. 

At our very first meeting, I realized why everyone was taken with Dr. Pankey and his philosophy. We sat down for breakfast and started with the usual small talk. Then L.D. looked me directly in the eyes and asked, “Bill, may I ask you a couple of questions?”  

I looked back at him, and I said, “Yes, of course”.  

He then asked, “Do you tell your wife you love her every day?”. 

I was a little taken aback by the question and said, “I think I do”. 

L.D. then said, “You should.”  

From that day forward, I made it a point to tell Pam I loved her every day. If I was out of town, I would always call long distance and now I text her. That question made me realize how important Dr. Pankey felt it was for us to stay closely connected to our loved ones. I am sure that gesture has helped me during my 57 years of marriage to my best friend Pamela.

L. D.’s second question was, “Do you save regularly for your retirement?”

I told him, “Yes, I do. At the end of the year, when all my bills and taxes are paid, I send most of the remaining money to my Merrill Lynch investment account”.  

Dr. Pankey told me that was okay, but not a good way to save real money. He recommended that when I got my paychecks, one from the university and one from my private practice, I immediately sit down and write a separate check for 10% of my total net income for the week and put it in the investment account.  

Then he said, “Live on the budgeted remaining 90%.”  

I realized he was following his philosophy and wanted me to be sure I could take care of my family. Over the years, his advice has been spot-on. These first two questions were my introduction to his philosophy. 

To be continued… 

Related Course

Creating Financial Freedom

DATE: March 6 2025 @ 8:00 am - March 8 2025 @ 2:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Dentist Tuition: $ 2795

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

Achieving Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach!   Would you like to have less fear, confusion and/or frustration around any aspect of working with money in your life, work, or when…

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Bill Davis

William J. Davis DDS, MS is practicing dentist and a Professor at the University of Toledo in the College Of Medicine. He has been directing a hospital based General Practice Residency for past 40 years. Formal education at Marquette, Sloan Kettering Michigan, the Pankey Institute and Northwestern. In 1987 he co-authored a book with Dr. L.D. Pankey, “A Philosophy of the Practice of Dentistry”. Bill has been married to his wife, Pamela, for 50 years. They have three adult sons and four grandchildren. When not practicing dentistry he teaches flying.




Are Your Temporaries a Practice Builder or Simply Temporary? 

April 10, 2024 Gary DeWood, DDS

Gary M. DeWood, DDS, MS 

Many dentists believe that provisional restorations don’t really matter. After all, they are not really a stand-in for the final restoration. I would respectfully disagree. I am a proponent of creating functional, durable, and highly esthetic provisional restorations, every time. They have the potential to impact your dental practice a lot more than you might think. Whether you print them, form them, or free-hand them, a GREAT temporary is a great billboard for your practice. 

  1. Make the provisional as Esthetic as the final restoration.

I contend that the more your provisionals look like what you are hoping for when you seat the final restorations, the more people will talk about them, AND you. 

I was able to build a referral restorative practice by creating provisionals that made patients want to come to my practice and specialists want to send people. For much of our career, almost the entire team of the oral surgery office we worked with, and many of the team members from the other specialty practices we worked with, were our patients in Pemberville, Ohio. 

Front teeth or back teeth, when you make them look like teeth, people will like it and they will show and tell other people. “This is just the temporary?!” was not an uncommon question or exclamation from our patients.  

  1. A GREAT guide makes a GREAT provisional restoration.

Your wax-up** cast/model serves as your vision, as your preparation guide fabrication device, and as your provisional former. When the preparation is appropriately reduced for the material selected, the temporary can mimic the restoration. 

** The wax-up might be created with wax then duplicated with impression material and stone to create a cast, or it might be scanned to be duplicated with resin and printed or milled to create a model. 

  1. 3. Use that provisional to highlight the talents of your team members.

You might LOVE to make those provisionals, but if your assistant is equally excited when it comes to recreating nature for the patient to appreciate, then it could be an opportunity for patients to see that your assistant does much more than set-up, clean up, and hand you an instrument. My dental partner, Cheryl, (who is also my wife) and I actively sought out things that could help our patients experience our team as much more than our helpers. 

As we all know, dental assistants are an integral and vital part of what the practice is and are a powerful force in how and why patients ask for dentistry. Assistants who fabricate provisionals have an opportunity to be seen differently, and we were always looking for ways to create partnership with them in our treatment. 

  1. 4. Take pictures of them.

Photographs of the temporary will make it easier for the lab to design the outcome. They will be able to see what you are thinking, able to visualize what you want, AND maybe even more importantly, see what you do not want. With anterior provisionals, I have frequently noted to my ceramist, “Please put the incisal edge in exactly this position vertically and horizontally in the face, then use your artistry to create the tooth that belongs in the face you see in the photographs of the patient before, prepared, and temporized.” 

There were many times when the technician was able to see and create effects that I might have not recognized as being “just the thing that would make these teeth extraordinary.” And don’t forget to show the patient the photograph. 

  1. 5. Love the material you make the temporary with.

The better the provisional material is at holding tooth position and functional contact, the less adjustment we’re going to have, so using a high-quality material is important. There are a lot of them out there. I like bis-acryl materials that polymerize with a hard surface, have little or no oxygen inhibited layer, and can be polished easily. The polish is more about feeling smooth than about the shine. Ask you patients how their provisional tooth “feels” when you are done, so they sing your praises. 

  1. 6. Use high-quality core material.

When you use a good core material the prep will be smoother, making it easier to fabricate nice provisionals. Ideal prep form goes a long way toward better provisionals. 

  1. ASK your patient to tell people.

As noted above, when you can elicit an emotional response about the awesomeness of your provisional, ask the patient to tell other people, “….and this is just the TEMPORARY!” 

Related Course

Mastering Dental Photography: From Start to Finish

DATE: October 29 2026 @ 8:00 am - October 31 2026 @ 12:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 355

Dental photography is an indispensable tool for a high level practice. We will review camera set-up and what settings to use for each photo. All photos from diagnostic series, portraits,…

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Gary DeWood, DDS