State-of-the-Art Hygiene Therapy  

August 10, 2024 Stephen Malone DMD

By Stephen K. Malone, DMD and Michael Costa, DDS, MHS 

We all know that the instrumentation options for dental hygiene services have come a long way since the first dental hygienist scaled teeth in 1906.   Early in the 20th century, the only technology a hygienist had was a set of sharp metal instruments and a spinning brush of gritty pumice. In the 1950s, ultrasonic technology was invented which helped disrupt calculus, but hygienists still had to follow up with scalers and polishers. Similarly, since the days of first scientific articles regarding oral micro-organisms in the 1870’s, our knowledge has increased exponentially regarding the role of oral biofilm not only in oral diseases, but whole-body health.   

In 2021 our office staff attended continuing education courses with legendary periodontist, Dr. Sam Low. Dr. Low introduced our practice to new technology that would help elevate our hygiene practice by improving biofilm removal, increasing patient ownership of personal oral hygiene practices, decreasing damage to root surfaces and restorations, and providing a gentler patient experience.   

The instrumentation is provided though a unit called a Prophylaxis Master – which is a combination of two different treatment modalities.  The hygienist first uses the Airflow unit to remove soft biofilm and young calculus.  The airflow handpiece delivers a combination of water, air and fine erythritol powder to lift and suction away the biofilm as well as stains.  Once the biofilm, young calculus and surface stains are removed, the hygienist moves to the integrated Piezo scaler to gently emulsify the remaining calculus. There are several different tips for both units to access deep pockets and implant surfaces safely. 

Scientific research has demonstrated this system is the gentlest and most efficient way to eliminate bacteria around cosmetic work and titanium implants, on enamel and root surfaces, and even on soft tissues. 

The GBT Protocol 

To get the most out of our investment, we implemented the “GBT” protocol, which is recommended by EMS, the company that manufactures the Prophylaxis Master. The 8-step GBT protocol is as follows:  

  1. Assess the teeth, gingiva, periodontal tissues, and any implants and peri-implant tissues. 
  2. Use disclosing solution to identify areas of biofilm accumulation. The color will also guide the hygienist to remove the biofilm with Airflow handpiece, after which calculus is easier to detect. 
  3. Show the patient the colored biofilm to raise awareness. Spend time educating the patient and emphasizing the importance of prevention. 
  4. Removal of biofilm, early calculus and stains with the Airflow. Airflow Plus powder is safe to use on teeth, root surfaces, gums, tongue, and palate. It can also be used to clean dental implants, restorations, orthodontic appliances, and clear aligners. 
  5. Use Airflow Plus powder with the Perioflow® nozzle to remove biofilm in >4 to 9mm pockets, root furcations, and on implants. 
  6. Remove the remaining calculus, using the minimally invasive EMS PIEZON® PS instrument supra and subgingivally in up to 10mm pockets and clean >10mm pockets with a mini curette. Use the EMS PIEZON® PI MAX instrument around implants up to 3mm subgingivally and on restorations. 
  7. After checking to make sure all biofilm and calculus has been removed, diagnosing for caries, and applying fluoride for a fresh and smooth feeling. 
  8. Schedule the patient’s recall visit based on risk assessment. 

What Our Patients Love About It  

  • Patients trust the thoroughness of the therapy because they can see the disclosed biofilm before it is removed and its absence after it is removed.  
  • The therapy is more comfortable than traditional methods. The water is warmed, and there is minimal root surface sensitivity compared to traditional hand and ultrasonic instrumentation.  
  • This technology gently reaches into places where traditional instruments couldn’t remove stains and tartar.  
  • The education patients receive from our hygienists highlights the value of the therapy.  
  • We have found that this is a superior stain and calculus removing technology.  
  • The erythritol powder that is mixed with warm water is pleasant tasting.  

 What Our Hygienists Love About It  

  • Less hand instrumentation means less body fatigue.  
  • There is superior stain removal and visual evidence that the biofilm is completely removed.  
  • Patients don’t complain about sensitivity or “poking.”  

 What Doctors Love About It 

  • Patients are happier.  
  • Hygienists are happier.  
  • It eliminates patient complaints about hygienists who are either “too aggressive” or “not aggressive enough” with instrumentation.  
  • It prevents damage to cosmetic and implant restorations, as well as root and enamel surfaces.  

Note: We are not paid to promote EMS or Guided Biofilm Therapy. We honestly think this is the best way we can efficiently, comfortably, and thoroughly provide the comprehensive care our patients deserve—and we thought we should share our great experience 

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

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Stephen Malone DMD

Dr. Stephen Malone received his Doctorate of Dental Medicine Degree from the University of Louisville in 1994 and has practiced dentistry in Knoxville for nearly 20 years. He participates in multiple dental study clubs and professional organizations, where he has taken a leadership role. Among the continuing education programs he has attended, The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education is noteworthy. He was the youngest dentist to earn the status of Pankey Scholar at this world-renowned post-doctoral educational institution, and he is now a member of its Visiting Faculty.




A Simple Score Sheet Gamifies Moving Patients Forward 

June 10, 2024 Clayton Davis, DMD

By Clayton Davis, DDS 

About 15 years ago, my wife and I were on a trip to New York City. My laboratory had told me about two dentists there who practiced together and did an amazing amount of cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Their best month was about six or seven times more than my best month, so I was curious. I knew they had studied with some of the same mentors I had. They had gone to Pankey and Dawson. They have a a comprehensive approach. While I was in New York, one morning I told my wife I was going to visit their Manhattan office and see what I could learn. 

Their office had reasonable furnishings (nothing fancy) and a reasonable level of equipment. It was tidy with nice staff. It seemed similar to what I have in my office. I sat down with the dentist who was there that day, and he shared with me what they do in their practice. They do a fair amount of marketing in health and beauty magazines that are circulated in the New York City area but otherwise it all sounded very familiar to my practice.  

A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. It was the hygienist, and she said, “Doctor, ready when you get a chance for your examination. Mr. Anderson is in today, you may not recall, but he had said that he wanted to get his veneers done after his daughter graduated from college. That was a couple years ago when he said that, and his daughter is graduating in June, so it’s time to bring that up again. I mentioned it to him today, and he’s scheduled to start that in July. So, when you want to come on in and talk to him about it, that would be great.” 

She walked away, and I looked at the dentist. I said, “What just happened? The hygienist handled everything about moving that patient forward for treatment. I can’t get mine to do that. As a matter of fact, we’ve had conversations, and they don’t seem to feel comfortable doing that.” 

He said, “I don’t know. We talked to them about it, and they’re tremendous about it. They really help our practice move patients into treatment.” 

I went home wondering how I could move my hygienists in the same direction, and an old business concept came back to me. If you want to improve something, you need to come up with a way to measure it. So, I came up with a form for logging what I call “Hygiene Points” and presented it to my hygienists. We talked about how we want to improve our ability to move patients forward with their treatment through the hygiene department. I simply asked them to score themselves on how it went at each appointment in talking to patients about any kind of treatment that came up. 

As each patient passes through hygiene, they receive a score. The lowest score, a score of 1, is for when I come into the operatory, talk to the hygiene patient, bring up some previously recommended treatment, and they go ahead and schedule it. A score of 2 is for when the hygienist finds a problem like a cracked tooth and says that it needs to be monitored. A score of 3 is for when I’m in hygiene and diagnose something new and get the patient to commit to schedule treatment. A score of 4 is for when the hygienist gets previously recommended treatment scheduled at the front desk without my involvement. A score of 5 is for when the hygienist takes an intraoral picture and points out a problem to me and I get a commitment to schedule. In other words, they say, “Let’s take a picture of this. I want Dr. Davis’s opinion on it when he comes in the room.” And then because the hygienist was concerned and I confirm in front of the patient that this is an issue that needs to be addressed, the patient schedules treatment. The collaboration and communication go so well, this is worth 5 points. And then the ultimate score is 6 for when the hygienist gets a commitment to schedule treatment for an obvious problem before I come in to confirm the diagnosis.  

The first couple of months that we used this scoring, we recorded a baseline monthly total.  After that, the competitive instincts of the hygienists kicked in and they wanted to improve their total score each month. I did not give them a reward incentive, and over two years, more production was coming out of hygiene. The old saw “You can improve what you measure” has certainly increased restorative collaboration and revenue in our practice, and the pursuit of higher Hygiene Points has been fun. 

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

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Clayton Davis, DMD

Dr. Clayton Davis received his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina. Continuing his education at the Medical College of Georgia, he earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in 1980. Having grown up in the Metro Atlanta area, Dr. Davis and his wife, Julia, returned to establish practice and residence in Gwinnett County. In addition to being a Visiting Faculty Member of The Pankey Institute, Dr. Davis is a leader in Georgia dentistry, both in terms of education and service. He is an active member of the Atlanta Dental Study Group, Hinman Dental Society, and the Georgia Academy of Dental Practice. He served terms as president of the Georgia Dental Education Foundation, Northern District Dental Society, Gwinnett Dental Society, and Atlanta Dental Study Group. He has been state coordinator for Children’s Dental Health Month, facilities chairman of Georgia Mission of Mercy, and served three terms in the Georgia Dental Association House of Delegates.




Dental Care While Wearing an Essix Retainer 

April 15, 2024 Lee Ann Brady

By Lee Ann Brady, DMD 

One of the most common ways that we temporize a patient who is having maxillary anterior implant dentistry is with an Essix retainer. Some patients will wear it 24 hours a day and others for less. Hopefully they are taking it out to rinse, brush, and floss, but the reality is they are wearing a removable device that covers all of the tooth surfaces for a lot of hours every day, and we’re increasing their risk of caries, decalcification, and gingivitis. 

In addition to discussing the normal oral hygiene to be done at home, in our practice, we typically dispense a product like Clinpro 5000 from 3M or MI Paste from GC America. These are high calcium and fluoride products that provide fluoride treatments inside the Essex retainer. 

  • If a patient is sleeping in the Essix, the instructions are to brush and floss the teeth and then use a toothbrush to spread a little bit of Clinpro or MI Paste on the inside of the retainer before going to sleep. 
  •  If they are not wearing the Essix during sleep, the instructions are the same but to wear the Essix for up to an hour every evening before removing it to go to sleep. 

If the patient’s caries risk is high, I prefer using 10% carbamide peroxide gel instead of Clinpro or MI Paste. This is the active ingredient we us in perio trays to help prevent gingivitis. This is also the means by which patients can whiten their teeth while wearing an Essix retainer. 

To prevent damage to the Essix, instruct patients to rinse it with cold water and, when not wearing it, to store it in the provided container.  

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

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Lee Ann Brady