Do your patients know the services you provide? 

July 8, 2024 Phillip Gold, CDT

By Phillip Gold, Master CDT 

At a lecture in Atlanta a few years ago, Dr. John Cranham told us about a patient who had been in his practice for years and mostly came in for hygiene and emergency visits. She moved out of town for about a year and then returned to their dental practice. 

She made a hygiene appointment and when John walked in to greet her, he saw a woman with a beautiful smile. He was almost speechless. When he gained his composure, he remarked on the beautiful dentistry she had achieved while she was away. He asked her what got her excited enough to get the work done.  

She said, “I’ve always wanted to do something like this but I didn’t know who could do it.” When he explained that they do dentistry like this all the time she said, “I had no idea, I thought you only did emergencies and patch work.” 

How do you rebound from that? You make it a lesson learned and one you do not want to repeat! 

How do you spread the word?  

  • Website Communication: 

Your practice website serves as a virtual front door. Make sure it clearly communicates all the services you provide. Consider creating separate pages or sections on your website dedicated to each service. Provide detailed information, FAQs, and before-and-after photos to show your expertise. 

Don’t fail to inform them of payment options that will make it easier for them to afford the dentistry they desire. 

  • Smile Galleries and Visual Displays: 

Smile galleries in your office can be powerful tools. Display before-and-after photos of actual patients who have undergone various treatments. Seeing these transformations can inspire curiosity and interest. Also use photo books or digital displays in your reception area to showcase successful cases. Patients waiting for their appointments can browse through these visuals and learn about available services. 

  • Social Media Engagement: 

Leverage social media platforms to highlight your services. Regularly post content related to different treatments, patient testimonials, and educational videos. Share success stories, patient experiences, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice. Encourage patients to follow your social media accounts to stay informed. 

  • Team Training and Communication: 

Train your team members to discuss services confidently. Encourage team members to engage in friendly conversations with patients. When patients ask questions, provide informative answers and emphasize the benefits of specific treatments. 

  • Handouts and Placards: 

Create simple handouts or placards that outline your services. These can be placed in the waiting area, treatment rooms, or given to patients during their visits. Include brief descriptions of each service, along with any special features (e.g., same-day services).  

  • Educational Events and Seminars: 

Host occasional events or seminars at your practice. Invite existing patients and potential new patients. Use these events to discuss different treatments, demonstrate procedures (if possible), and answer questions. It’s an excellent opportunity to engage directly with patients. 

Remember, patients often don’t realize the full scope of what a dental practice can offer. By proactively sharing information, you empower them to make informed decisions about their oral health. 

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Phillip Gold, CDT




Effective Strategies for Managing Transition in Your Dental Practice Part 3 

July 5, 2024 Edwin "Mac" McDonald DDS

By Edwin “Mac” McDonald DDS  

Effective management during transitions directly impacts overall success. By implementing these strategies, you’ll lead your dental practice through change more smoothly. In Part 1 of this series, I described Phase One: The Ending Zone, the time during which a team is feeling the loss of the familiar and coping with uncertainty. In Part 2, I described Phase 2: The Neutral Zone, the time when a team is learning to embrace the change. Let’s look at what is likely to happen in Phase Three as a team continues to transition through change. 

Phase Three: New Beginnings  

During the third phase, the grieving is now passing or gone. This is when you and your team begin to identify yourselves (your culture) with “the new”—whether that be a practice ownership change, addition of more team members, merging with another dental practice, moving to a new office, updating your technology, adding a new niche service, dropping PPOs, or changing your operational systems (how you do things). The change is affecting their daily work and interactions with patients and each other. Adding to this burden is the tendency for patients to ask questions about the change. They also want to know about and feel connected to the change. Time and energy go into that additional communication. 


But, wonderfully, uncertainty is gone and things are clearer to the team members. Commitment becomes high again, and things start to feel “normal” again. People’s sense of competence is greater, they are able to easily identify the practice’s values to what is happening and how they are personally connected to them. When leaders and team members get to this stage, they can focus on the quality of the patient experience, and a new sense of commitment is felt. 

Strategies for Managing this Phase 

  • Continue to talk with your team and individuals about how they are feeling about the change. 
  • Acknowledge team members that have contributed to the changes. Doing this publicly cultivates trust and gives an example for others to follow. 
  • Give individuals a part to play in sustaining the change and ensuring that it becomes the way of working or operating. People need to feel as though they are a part of it. Some leaders who have a hard time with delegating may need to practice letting go. 


Keep in Mind 

  • Ultimately, the leader’s ability to communicate effectively will be the leading success factor in managing transition. 
  • Approach other natural leaders in your practice – these are the people that others tend to follow or listen to , so get their buy-in early in the process. This will provide more support for you during the process. 
  • Expect people’s performance to drop during the process and give grace to those that are not at their highest and best. Eventually, they will reach the other side and so will you! 

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

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About Author

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Edwin "Mac" McDonald DDS

Dr. Edwin A. McDonald III received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Economics from Midwestern State University. He earned his DDS degree from the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston. Dr. McDonald has completed extensive training in dental implant dentistry through the University of Florida Center for Implant Dentistry. He has also completed extensive aesthetic dentistry training through various programs including the Seattle Institute, The Pankey Institute and Spear Education. Mac is a general dentist in Plano Texas. His practice is focused on esthetic and restorative dentistry. He is a visiting faculty member at the Pankey Institute. Mac also lectures at meetings around the country and has been very active with both the Dallas County Dental Association and the Texas Dental Association. Currently, he is a student in the Naveen Jindal School of Business at the University of Texas at Dallas pursuing a graduate certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching. With Dr. Joel Small, he is co-founder of Line of Sight Coaching, dedicated to helping healthcare professionals develop leadership and coaching skills that improve the effectiveness, morale and productivity of their teams.




Partnering in Health Part 7: The Path to a More Elegant Treatment Plan 

July 3, 2024 Mary Osborne RDH

By Mary Osborne, RDH 

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remin says, “Doctor, you may know what’s best for the disease the patient has but that’s not the same as knowing what’s best for the patient.”  

It’s difficult to let go of our own assumptions about what we’re supposed to do, how healthy this person should be based on our criteria, and what is the best path forward in every situation. Our clinical training leads us to believe that we’re supposed to know what’s best for our patient. 

There is another quote, from Dr. Albert Schweitzer, which has challenged my thinking about patient care for a long time:  

“Patients carry their own doctor inside.”  

I believe that every one of us has opinions, ideas, and knowledge about our own health. That is the doctor inside. Dr. Schweitzer said patients come to us knowing we have expertise, but “we are at our best when we give the physician who resides within each patient a chance to go to work.” When we do that, we help people become healthier. 

There is a place for our solutions. There is a place for our expertise to show up. But if we slow ourselves down a half step, we are often amazed at the answers patients come up with. They can be downright creative and elegant. The reason they are elegant is because they are their solutions, and patients are more likely to follow through with solutions they conceive. I’m not saying we shouldn’t guide them to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of their solutions and other possibilities that you we know are out there, but we should be open to allowing them to think about solutions and not prejudge their choices. 

For example, if a patient says she or he doesn’t have time to floss, I was trained to say, “Well, don’t you watch the evening news? You can do it while you’re watching the news. Right?” That’s about me having the solution. But now I sit back and say to the patient, “Well, it sounds like you’re very busy. Is there any time at all during the day when you’re sitting, and you feel that you could floss easily?” When I ask the question, they usually have a better answer than the nightly news. It’s a better solution because it’s their solution. They have bought into it at some level.  

In many cases, we see the “treatment” for a problem as we’re seeing the problem. That’s something that we take a great deal of pride in. But when we come together with our patient, sitting eye to eye, we can often come to a much more elegant treatment plan, one that moves us more comprehensively toward our goal of improved health. In between what is and what is possible, we encourage the patient to discover the level of health to which they aspire. We come to mutual agreement about going forward in a certain way to accomplish some things that are bigger and better than just solving “a problem.” 

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

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Mary Osborne RDH

Mary is known internationally as a writer and speaker on patient care and communication. Her writing has been acclaimed in respected print and online publications. She is widely known at dental meetings in the U.S., Canada, and Europe as a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker. Her passion for dentistry inspires individuals and groups to bring the best of themselves to their work, and to fully embrace the difference they make in the lives of those they serve.




Effective Strategies for Managing Transition in Your Dental Practice (Part 2)

July 1, 2024 Edwin "Mac" McDonald DDS

By Edwin “Mac” McDonald DDS  

Effective management during transitions directly impacts overall success. By implementing these strategies, you’ll lead your dental practice through change more smoothly. In Part 1 of this series, I described Phase One: The Ending Zone, the time during which your team is feeling the loss of the familiar and coping with uncertainty. In Part 1, I also listed communication strategies to help them cope. Let’s look at what is likely to happen as you and your team continue to transition through change. 

Phase Two: The Neutral Zone 

During this transition phase known as the “Neutral Zone” or “Chaos Zone,” team members grapple with the loss of the old ways and the unfamiliarity of the new. Competency levels vary, and individuals may feel consciously incompetent or consciously competent. What do I mean by that? 

Some may feel they now know what they didn’t about the change and understand the value of it. They are ready to navigate the change emotionally. Others may feel they are starting to “get it” and deal with it. And others have become champions of the change and model confident competence in making the transition. Others will still experience confusion, stress, doubt or skepticism. This is when leaders need to step up and put on an encourager and coaching hat. 

Strategies for Managing this Phase 

  • Discuss Strengths Utilizations: Encourage team members to identify how the change allows them to use their strengths differently and explore new opportunities. 
  • Open Conversations: Lead them in conversation and empower them to create solutions as issues of the transition arise. Foster teamwork and purpose as you converse with them, so they feel vital to the practice. Encourage them to talk among themselves and lean on one another as a team because you want to retain that team. Express your appreciation for them navigating and embracing the change. You can take them outside of the office for a social meal that does not feel formal and they can feel connected even outside the office.  
  • Provide Support: They will feel the need for information in order to feel secure. Ensure communication networks are open. Bringing in a transitions coach helps. Consider what HR resources you can make available to support individuals during this challenging phase. 

Remember, effective management during transitions directly impacts overall success. By implementing these strategies, you’ll lead your dental practice through change more smoothly. 

Related Course

Integrative Dental Medicine: Creating Healthier Patients & Practices

DATE: June 27 2025 @ 8:00 am - June 28 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Location: The Pankey Institute


Regular Tuition: $ 2995

Single Occupancy with Ensuite Private Bath (per night): $ 345

We face a severe health crisis, that is a much larger pandemic than Covid-19! Our western lifestyle affects periodontal & periapical oral disease, vascular disease, breathing disordered sleep, GERD, dental…

Learn More>

About Author

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Edwin "Mac" McDonald DDS

Dr. Edwin A. McDonald III received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Economics from Midwestern State University. He earned his DDS degree from the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston. Dr. McDonald has completed extensive training in dental implant dentistry through the University of Florida Center for Implant Dentistry. He has also completed extensive aesthetic dentistry training through various programs including the Seattle Institute, The Pankey Institute and Spear Education. Mac is a general dentist in Plano Texas. His practice is focused on esthetic and restorative dentistry. He is a visiting faculty member at the Pankey Institute. Mac also lectures at meetings around the country and has been very active with both the Dallas County Dental Association and the Texas Dental Association. Currently, he is a student in the Naveen Jindal School of Business at the University of Texas at Dallas pursuing a graduate certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching. With Dr. Joel Small, he is co-founder of Line of Sight Coaching, dedicated to helping healthcare professionals develop leadership and coaching skills that improve the effectiveness, morale and productivity of their teams.