HPV and Oral Cancer: Early Detection and Prevention

September 12, 2017 Lee Ann Brady DMD

As dentists, we tend to see our regular patients far more often than other doctors. This means we have the opportunity to be the first point of detection for diseases like oral cancer.

The Updated Demographic of HPV and Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is on the rise. What does this mean for dentists? First and foremost, it means understanding how the demographic of oral cancer has changed. At one point, it was associated with lower socioeconomic groups, smokers and poor nutrition/oral hygiene.

These associations with oral cancer have changed dramatically. One of today’s largest at-risk group is young, educated non-smokers.

New research has lead to the discovery of many different types of oral cancer. The majority of oral cancer cases are associated with HPV. Thankfully, HPV related oral cancers are highly treatable with chemotherapy and radiation.

Nowadays, oral cancer is more survivable and treatment is less detrimental to quality of life.

Why Early Detection and Prevention Matters

Early detection and prevention are the areas where dentists can have the most significant impact.

Early detection is crucial to improving the chance of survival and how treatment proceeds. One way to facilitate early detection is to offer oral cancer screenings at the beginning of every hygiene visit and exam. The best exam combines visual and technological assessment.

If you detect or are suspicious of oral cancer, you must actively refer your patients. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so there’s no reason to be concerned if you refer them to an oral surgeon and they aren’t diagnosed with oral cancer. Simply be upfront with patients about the likelihood that everything will be fine.

Prevention is the most powerful tool in our arsenal. It is our responsibility, along with the pediatric medical community, to promote and discuss the HPV vaccine with parents of our younger patients. Encourage them to vaccinate both sons and daughters for the prevention of oral cancer.

What early detection measures do you implement in your patient exams? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments! 

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About Author

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Lee Ann Brady DMD

Dr. Lee Ann Brady is passionate about dentistry, her family and making a difference. She is a general dentist and owns a practice in Glendale, AZ limited to restorative dentistry. Lee’s passion for dental education began as a CE junkie herself, pursuing lots of advanced continuing education focused on Restorative and Occlusion. In 2005, she became a full time resident faculty member for The Pankey Institute, and was promoted to Clinical Director in 2006. Lee joined Spear Education as Executive VP of Education in the fall of 2008 to teach and coordinate the educational curriculum. In June of 2011, she left Spear Education, founded leeannbrady.com and joined the dental practice she now owns as an associate. Today, she teaches at dental meetings and study clubs both nationally and internationally, continues to write for dental journals and her website, sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Inside Dentistry and DentalTown Magazines and is the Director of Education for The Pankey Institute.

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