A mountain peak framed by pine branches at Nevado de Colima National Park.

The Power of BHAGs – Part 1 

July 17, 2024 John Cranham, DDS

By John C. Cranham, DDS  

Having BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) has been important to me for my whole life, whether it was the Ironman triathalon, getting the opportunity to teach with Dr. Peter Dawson, finishing my book, or setting big goals for my practice. The biggest things in my life that were important to me from a professional standpoint started with an idea that got me excited but seemed impossible. 

A BHAG has a way of motivating you when you think there’s a sliver of chance that you might be able to do it. You set it as a goal and proactively discover steps to work towards it; then you get out of bed each day intent on moving forward.  

People are “wired” differently, but I do think extremely successful people do this. Pete Dawson was like this. He died four years ago, and I remember being with him at my lake house two weeks before he passed away. He talked about a BHAG he was working on–a new book, and he showed me the layout he had in mind for it.  

If you don’t have a BHAG (the next big goal that’s exciting to you), it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine. I can think of times in my life when dentistry became mundane. 

One of the most amazing times in my life was right after I was invited to teach with Pete Dawson. I was on the faculty before I was the clinical director. After I was teaching there, there was a six-month period when I was a little depressed. I didn’t understand the feeling. One night at dinner with Pete, I told him I was struggling. We talked about it for a few minutes, and then he said, “It sounds like you need a new goal.” 

That hit me like a ton of bricks. Once I have attained a goal, I need a new aspiration to chase.  

BHAGs are our reasons to get out of bed every morning and be fulfilled by our efforts. Even if we don’t quite complete everything we visualize, we still end up in a completely different place. And in my experience, it’s always a better one. 

About Author

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John Cranham, DDS

Dr. John Cranham practices in Chesapeake, Virginia focusing on esthetic dentistry, implant dentistry, occlusal reconstruction, TMJ/Facial Pain and solving complex problems with an interdisciplinary focus. He practices with his daughter Kaitlyn, who finished dental school in 2020. He is an honors graduate of The Medical College of Virginia in 1988. He served the school as a part time clinical instructor from 1991-1998 earning the student given part time faculty of the year twice during his stint at the university. After studying form the greats in occlusion (Pete Dawson & The Pankey Institute) and Cosmetic Dentistry (Nash, Dickerson, Hornbrook, Rosental, Spear, Kois) during the 1990’s, Dr. Cranham created a lecture in 1997 called The Cosmetic Occlusal Connection. This one day lecture kept him very busy presenting his workflows on these seemingly diametrically opposed ideas. In 2001 he created Cranham Dental Seminars which provided, both lecture, and intensive hands on opportunities to learn. In 2004 he began lecturing at the The Dawson Academy with his mentor Pete Dawson, which led to the merging of Cranham Dental Seminars with The Dawson Academy in 2007. He became a 1/3 partner and its acting Clinical Director and that held that position until September of 2020. His responsibilities included the standardization of the content & faculty within The Academy, teaching the Lecture Classes all over the world, overseeing the core curriculum, as well as constantly evolving the curriculum to stay up to pace with the ever evolving world of Dentistry. During his 25 years as an educator, he became one of the most sought after speakers in dentistry. To date he has presented over 1650 full days of continuing education all over the world. Today he has partnered with Lee Culp CDT, and their focus is on integrating sound occlusal, esthetic, and sound restorative principles into efficient digital workflows, and ultimately coaching doctors on how to integrate them into their practices. He does this under the new umbrella Cranham Culp Digital Dental. Dr. Cranham has published numerous articles on restorative dentistry and in 2018 released a book The Complete Dentist he co-authored with Pete Dawson. In 2011 He along with Dr. Drew Cobb created The Dawson Diagnostic Wizard treatment planning software that today it is known as the Smile Wizard. Additionally, He has served as a key opinion leader and on advisory boards with numerous dental companies. In 2020 he published a book entitled “The Cornell Effect-A Families Journey Toward Happiness, Fulfillment and Peace”. It is an up from the ashes story about his adopted son, who overcame incredible odds, and ultimately inspired the entire family to be better. In November of 2021 it climbed to #5 on the Amazon best seller list in its category. Of all the things he has done, he believes getting this story down on paper is having the greatest impact.

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