The Integrity of Your Own Mind 

October 8, 2024 Andrea Beerman, DDS

By Andrea Beerman, DDS 

The late Dr. Andrea Beerman (1978-2013) was a beloved member of the Pankey Institute community. She contributed this to my CoDiscovery blog years ago. I think she would be glad her words will inspire our Pankey community forever. – Paul A. Henny, DDS 

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 

I love this quote from Emerson and understood it with greater depth as it reconnected me with one of my personal Core Values – originality. 

It reminds me that it is my natural state to follow my own mind – my own unique ideas. Personally, I know I struggle when I try to do things like others. In these instances, I feel like I am not being my authentic self. Sometimes, I have found myself conforming or doing something “the way it’s always been done”, because it seems quicker or easier. 

I don’t have to face the truth or something that may take me to my learning edge if I do things in a rote way. I do not have to make time to enter the “classroom” of silence to know more clearly the path to choose. In these moments, I know I am not realizing the sacredness of my own mind and spirit. With this quote, I am reminded to continue to trust and tap that potential – the beautiful, unique spark of life within me. 

A friend and mentor of mine encouraged me to find a picture of myself when I was a child and put it somewhere I would see it every day. So, now I have a picture of myself at age four on my desk. I keep it in front of me, because sometimes I forget who I am in the midst of my busy days. Of course I am a dentist, but the truth is, deep down – I am still that little girl. That same bright spirit, eager to live fully, and embrace life. All I wanted then was to be loved, accepted and understood. What do I want now? If I answer honestly, I’m not sure the answers are different. 

When I see her picture it makes it really easy for me to forgive myself for all the times I came up short and for the mistakes I’ve made along the way. I see her innocence when I look at this picture, and remember I am truly doing the best I can with what I know. 

So, I have this picture on my desk – to help me remember who I am and what I really want from life. What I’ve learned – it also reminds me of the truth about others – you, my patients, family and friends. 

Beneath the layers of life, lie our bright spirits. I am at my best – in patient interactions and with my friends and family- when I can see others for who they truly are. I think e.e. cummings said it best, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” 

I wish you my very best in your journey. ~Andrea 

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Andrea Beerman, DDS

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