Collage of dental professionals teaching and practicing techniques during a hands-on workshop.

1st Quarter

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1ST Quarter

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The Pankey Institute’s Quarterly Newsletter

Step into the world of Pankey through our quarterly newsletter. Meet our new faculty and team members, catch up on building renovations, uncover upcoming courses, and dive into a treasure trove of dental insights. Stay in the loop and stay ahead in your Pankey journey.

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The Institute has had the recent pleasure of welcoming back Dr. Gary DeWood. He will be visiting faculty at all upcoming Essentials 2 course dates for the remainder of 2024 and through 2025. Additionally, Dr. DeWood will be teaming up with Pankey Faculty for the Mastery Series and Focus Series courses. We are ecstatic to have him back in the building with us! Outside of onsite teaching, he has recently contributed an article series on personal growth and life-long learning to the Pankeygram Blog.

More exciting news, Dr. Bill Davis, the esteemed author of A Philosophy of the Practice of Dentistry, has joined our Essentials One teaching team. We are thrilled to have his expertise enriching our educational programs.

Congratulations to all those recently promoted to Pankey Faculty:

Dr. Rod Carter, Dr. Bill Moffett, Dr. Tal Wilkins, Dr. Sara Kellogg

& to our newest Faculty Assistants in 2024:

Dr. Misty Williams, Dr. Rachel Poulsen, Dr. Luke Schwartz, Dr. Brett Burris, Dr. Katie Burggraaf, Dr. Will Kelly


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Have you been missing The Institute lately? Many who know and love Pankey express a unique feeling of contentment upon crossing the causeway and entering the double doors on 1 Crandon Boulevard.

Luckily, you can now see the building from Master’s Hall to the One Club and beyond at Our new tour video will take you on a walkthrough of all your favorite corners of the Institute. There is nothing like being here in person, but this should hold you over until your next visit!

We have recently made some aesthetic improvements to our suites through the addition of hanging artwork. The images on the walls embody the spirit of Key Biscayne and the whole of South Florida. Through art, we hope to bring a piece of the region’s diverse wildlife and scenery into the Institute. The photographs were taken by Dr. Carl Treyz, a Pankey-educated dentist practicing in Pompano Beach, Florida. The Pankey Foundation expresses its sincerest gratitude to Dr. Treyz, Dr. Glenda Owen, and Mr. Kevin Dubose for supporting our efforts to improve this beautiful building that we call home.

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The first quarter of 2024 has been quite busy on and off-site for the Institute. There is nothing better than seeing the gleam of apprehension but also excitement in the eyes of those beginning their Pankey journey. It brings us immense joy to see many familiar faces returning as well. The class photo albums document participants’ time at Pankey, their commitment to practicing Tier IV dentistry and the hard work performed on behalf of their patients, their families, and themselves. Check out some of the recent class photos below!


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Get to know our 2 newest Pankey Team members! 

Introducing Antonio Mennona and Sheila Garrido:

Antonio Mennonna started working with Pankey in 2024 as a Community Liaison. He graduated from the Berklee College of Music and is currently living in Nashville Tennessee and is working as a live and recording drummer. Other than music, Antonio is passionate about working out and spending time with his friends and family.

Sheila Garrido started working with Pankey in December 2023 as a Participant Services Assistant. She completed her High School education and embarked on a fulfilling journey that led her to marry and become a mother of two wonderful children. Professionally, she has 11 years of experience as a Case Manager and 2 years of experience as a Compliance Specialist for a reputable Dental Company. Outside the professional realm, she finds joy in staying active through workouts, expressing herself through dance and cherishing moments filled with laughter.

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We had so much fun seeing so many members of the Pankey family off-site this past quarter. It is always a special treat to reconvene with alum outside of the Institute. In February, we gathered at the Four Seasons Chicago for our annual Chicago Midwinter reception. The turnout blew us away, and we are already counting down the days until next year’s reception.

At the end of March, we held our Essentials 1 course at the Hinman Meeting. The Pankey team successfully brought a little piece of Key Biscayne to a sold-out course in Atlanta, Georgia for the second year in a row!


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We extend our gratitude to the following individuals for their generous commitment to The Pankey Institute’s mission and vision through their pledge to The Triple Plus Society this past quarter. Your support fuels our pursuit of excellence and innovation in dental education. Thank you for being champions of dental excellence!

  • Mr. Jason Aschenbrenner
  • Dr. Chul Oh
  • Dr. Kim Trieu
  • Dr. Riccardo Ammannato
  • Dr. Luke Schwartz
  • Drs. William and Dawn Hunt
  • Dr. Chelsea Erickson

We are delighted to shine a spotlight on Dr. Chelsea Erickson for her remarkable dedication and generosity. Dr. Erickson has successfully completed her pledge of $10,000, marking a significant milestone in her support of advancing dental education and excellence at The Pankey Institute. We look forward to honoring Dr. Erickson by adding the pin to her plaque to commemorate her commitment, a symbol of her lasting impact on our community.

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The Essentials Series

We would like to take a moment to congratulate all the dedicated participants who successfully completed the final course of the Essentials Series, Essentials 4, this past quarter! Your completion marks a significant milestone in your journey towards mastery in dentistry and commitment to excellence. We applaud your dedication and look forward to witnessing your continued growth and success in your practice.


Mr. Jason R. Aschenbrenner

Dr. M. Katie Booth

Dr. Stafford G. Conley, Jr.

Dr. Mary Glasheen

Dr. John T. Parnell

Dr. Chul Oh

Dr. Taylor Reed

Dr. Nicholas Poulos

Dr. Maria Tibavinsky

Dr. Jack Rusch

Dr. Najwa Varney

Dr. Kim Trieu

Dr. Serena Whitesell


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PRACTICE FOR SALE: Are you ready to pass on the torch? Share details about your practice and connect with potential buyers within our community.


ASSOCIATESHIP: Looking to expand your practice or step into a new role? Let us know if you’re seeking an associate to join your team.


LOOKING FOR A DENTAL POSITION: Ready for a new challenge? Share your expertise and preferences to find the perfect fit within our community.

Current Submissions


Dr. Michael Melkers

Hanover, NH USA


“My partner will be retiring and I am looking for someone to join the team and I in our next great adventure. FFS practice with a wonderful, tenured and empowered team. Ivy League town on the Appalachian Trail. If this peaks your interest, I would love to share my vision and also hear yours!”


Dr. Nicholas Dunn

Fort Lauderdale, FL USA


“My name is Nicholas Dunn. I graduated from dental school at the University of Toronto in 2017 and have been practicing dentistry in Canada for approximately 7 years. My wife and I have decided to move to the United States and we are looking for the right fit that compliments our values and life vision.


I am looking for a sponsorship for a TN Visa and EB2/EB3 green card since I require sponsorship to work in the United States. I’d like to pursue a partnership or buyout opportunity. I’m a caring, ambitious individual who strives to provide excellent clinical care and a positive patient experience. We see ourselves ideally living and practicing in Florida, and we’re also open to all other major metropolitan areas in the South Eastern United States. I have almost completed the Kois curriculum in Seattle, Washington and aspire to complete the Pankey Institute curriculum in the future.


If you’re approaching a career transition or know of someone who is, I’d appreciate the opportunity for an introductory phone conversation!

If interested, please contact me for my resume.
All the best and I hope you have a wonderful day,”

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“Why I Bought a Tweed Jacket in Ireland” 

by Clayton Davis, DMD 

“Trust is Essential to Helping Our Patients”

by Paul H. Henny, DDS 

“Using Glycerin with Resin-Based Temporary Dental Cements”

by Kelley Brummett, DMD 


Join our Facebook Group!


There is so much in store for the second quarter of 2024. The temperatures in Miami are starting to rise and we can feel summer just on the horizon. Join us on the Key this summer at one of our upcoming courses!

Pankey Assistant’s Experience

July 11 – 13, 2024

Creating Great Case Acceptance

July 17 – 19, 2024

Integrative Dental Medicine

July 26 – 27, 2024

Smile Design

August 9 – 10, 2024

Save the date for our annual Pankey Symposium this September, where you can connect and learn with community members. Every year, Pankey brings the top educators in dentistry to speak about the hottest topics in the profession. This year’s speakers are Dr. Lee Ann Brady, Dr. John Cranham, Mr. Lee Culp, Dr. Michael Fling, Dr. Mark Kleive, Dr. Kevin Kwiecien, Dr. Jeff Lineberry, Dr. Roger Macias and Dr. Bill Moffett. The 2024 Symposium will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona from September 19th-21st, more information is available on